Neville x Reader

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You sat quietly above the hallway, on top of broken pillar. You've been skipping Potions for a week now, and you weren't planning on stopping any time soon. You despise Snape with a passion, and just the sight of him leaves you pissed.

You turned your head to your right when you heard footsteps, and clumsy Neville Longbottom walked quickly towards the only room left in the hallway - a bathroom.

"Aren't you in Potions?" You ask him, to which he gasps loudly at, and turns up to you with a glare.

"What are you doing up there?" He asks, "And could you be less loud?"

"You're the one that gasped loudly," You say, slowly letting yourself float down to the floor. "Why are you up here if you have class with Snape? He never lets anyone out."

"I had an accident," he claims, showing you a large scar on his thumb. "I came to see Pomfrey. Why haven't you been to class all this week?"

"Madam Pomfrey is in the wing, this is the john," You say, pointing to the sign on the water closet door.

"I know that, (F/N). I'm in the need to use a loo. Still, why haven't you been to class?"

He gave you his puppy eyes, which caused you to sigh and cross your arms. "I hate Snape."

"Good reason," he says, walking past you and into the bathroom. You wait patiently for him to return, but then you hear the footsteps of Filch himself, and you find yourself floating back to your hiding spot, watching him act more of a dog than a Squib.

As he "sniffs" around, Neville - completely unaware, the poor soul - comes out of the loo to find Filch giving him a scary smile. He runs up to him, looking him over like a piece of meat.

"What are you doing out?" Filch asks.

"I need to v-visit Madam P-Pomfrey...." He answers.

"This is the WC, not Poppy," Filch sneers.

"I-I had to... pee," Neville cried, glancing up at you. "I have proof I-I need to visit Poppy," he lifts his sleeve, showing the large gushing scar from his thumb.

Filch groans, and pushes Neville away and out to the corridor. Filch then follows him, but turns the other direction towards the Marble Tower. Once you sure he's gone, you float back down and catch up to Neville, to holds his hurt hand.

"Nice way to stick it to him," you say, slowing your pace to match his.

"I could've used some help," he complains, looking out the windows to the chilly winter weather.

"Hey, I've been hiding from Filch all week. I can't just give up my position for you," you laugh, lacing your hand in his as he begins to slow his pace. "Let me see your hurt hand," you command.

He hands you his other hand, and you hold it delicately as you both start descending the stairs. "Ouch, how'd this happen?"

"I fell for you," he says, smiling to show is crooked tooth. You didn't do anything but glare at him childishly, which got you the correct answer. "I accidentally cut myself while trying to cut a self-minded bean."

You roll your eyes, and pull his hand before he enters the Wing. "I should get back to my spot - I'm paying Harry for writing a grade in Snape's book."

Neville nods, and opens his arms wide. Before you even have the chance to hug him, you hear Filch behind you - yelling "PDA!" as his races after you. You whisper a curse in Neville's ear as you race past him, down the opposite staircase Filch comes from. You can hear Neville laughing above you, and he waves you off as you shoot down the hallway, followed by Filch.

(A/N) I'm back! Woop-woop! Requests will now be taken again, so feel free to do so. I know this one wasn't that good, but I think it was adorable so shut it.

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