Christmas Special

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Hey guys! Before I get started, I want to say Merry Christmas to all of my readers! I can't believe I have over 20k reads and 1k votes! Thank you sooo much! I actually haven't checked my Wattpad in a couple days because I went skiing, and I came back to see I had 71 notifications. I was so happy, so I decided you guys deserve a Christmas present because I feel like this many reads is a present to me. You can choose whatever guy/girl you want. Please enjoy!!

(Y/C) = Your Character

You stare, bored, at the Christmas tree. It's hardly decorated - no ornaments, no bows, no ribbion. Just lights - plain white that are slowly turning orange from the weak electricity. There's only (number of household) presents. One for every person of the house. You can tell yours is socks, just by how it's folded. They didn't even put it in a box. Just wrapped the socks together.

Christmases are normally like this. It's not suprising. You were happy for new socks - the ones you wear at school were worn by your (mother/father). They've got holes and sweat in the pours and everything ugly about them and you were happy for new ones. It's a true gift.

You've never had alot of money. The books you use at school were used by your parent(s). The clothes were passed down, the shoes, the old, rickety car. And you were happy, because it's that or nothing.

Watching others get gifts made you happy. The way their faces light up at something big, something shiny, or something expensive is unwrapped. Even adults get happy, and that's all you need. You've gotten the best gift out of all, and that's being a Wizard. Going to Hogwarts. And meeting (Y/C).

(He/She) is important. Ever since you meet, those years ago on the train. You'll do everything together. Sherlock and John. Merlin and Arthur. Dean and Sam. You couldn't be separated. (He/She) understands your home life, accepts your family's class, and respects your parent(s) when (he/she) visits. (He/She) promised, once you two get older, (he/she)'ll take care of you.

And for all the great things (he/she)'s done, you wanted to give back. A Christmas gift would be great, and you knew what you wanted to get (him/her). The problem was, you don't have the money. Well, you didn't.

The moment you got to Hogwarts for your fifth year, you knew you wanted to get (him/her) something special. Ever since the beginning of the year, you've asked for donations and searched for money and built things to sale. Finally, after months of working and gathering - you scraped up 60 dollars.

It was alot to have in your hands, certainly. The highest amount of money you ever had in you hand was thirty-five dollars. You had pulled it close to you, as you trekked up to the wood store.

Uncle Nate worked there, and you told him in October by note that you had your eyes on a wooden carving of a (Y/C's Patronus/ Favorite Animal). He said he'd sale it for you for forty pounds, and you took the deal. You bought the wood carving, a small box of chocolates, and a little bouquet of flowers. After wrapping the carving and chocolates, and placing them next to the vase of flowers, you sent (Y/C) a message to swing by at Christmas.

  (He/She) luckily agreed, and in just two hours - you'd have to give them the present.

  Worry filled your chest. What if they don't like it, or don't enjoy the carving? What if they expect something better? You knew (he/she) was bringing something for you, (he/she) always brings you something on Christmas. You wanted yours to be better than their gift - but you know that won't happen. (Y/C) gifts are always better than the last Christmas. And the fact that last year (Y/C) bought you tickets to your favorite Quidditch team's game, the likelihood that your present is better than their's is at zero percent.

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