Snape × Reader

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You are the Hogwarts Muggle Studies Professor. You are actually Muggle-born yourself, and annually take willing full-bloods on a week-long to London on a trip.

You just came back from the trip, which only three full-bloods had gone on with you. Two Slylerin girls that go every year to get out of work, and a Ravenclaw boy who was actually interested.

The Hogwarts train had two compartments on it that you and the students used. The boy stayed with you, and the girls got their own cart. It worked well going there and back.

You carry a small trunk full of spell books and Muggle artifacts which you got in London. The kids bought stuff aswell, but Hagrid was carrying their trunks - as they need to hurry off to third period.

"How was your time, Professor (L/N)?" Hagrid asks.

You sigh, smiling up at the beautiful castle of Hogwarts. "Just wonderful. I think Napoleon - that Ravenclaw boy - enjoyed it best. He bought so many Muggle books. And alot of pens. Seems to think he'll be allowed to use 'em!"

Hagrid gives a heartfelt laugh, though the joke wasn't that funny.

After sitting up everything and getting all your new things special places for your classes to see, Peeves flies in with a big smile on his face.

"Welcome back (F/N)!"

You laugh, waving at him. Ever since you were a student at Hogwarts, you got along with Peeves. Maybe it was because you helped him pull pranks from time to time, or because you stand up for him when teachers blame him for everything. You know most the time it is Peeves doing that made them upset or angry, but sometimes it's the Weasleys.

He shoots down, and begins to play with your hair.

"Someone's missed you dearly," he laughs, doing twirls as he looks at your new gifts. You taught him over time not to mess with your things or you - or he'll pay for it. For example, you won't talk to him for months or when he gets in trouble, you won't play him innocent.

You roll your eyes. For over a year now, Peeves has been giving you hints that a person has a huge crush on you. You'll always ask questions about who the certain one is, but all you've learned so far is your "secret admirer" is male.

"Oh really? Will catch the fellow and say I missed him right back," you say - kidding.

"Okay!" Peeves shouts, flying right through the wall.

"What? No! Peeves! Get back here!" You cry jogging to your door to see which way he flies off to. But he's already gone.


You slowly make your way into the Great Hall's door. Lunch is being served, and you're a little late. You smile as the sweet smell of tea leaves fill your nose.

"Ahh! Everyone, greet Professor (L/N)!" Dumbledore cries, smiling and clapping his hands.

Most of the students clap and call "Welcome back!". Even though most of them aren't in your class, you know them well. You are a young teacher, and like to spend time with your students. Studying or playing games on weekends.

You blush. Of course Dumbledore will try to embarrass you. You wave shyly, and make your way over to the teachers table.

Your eyes flicker over all the teachers, and all of them are clapping and waving in greetings, except Snape - who just has a hidden smile on his face. You can barely see it, because his eyes are on his plate.

"Hello to you too, Professor Snape!" You call. His head shoots up, but instead of glaring like you expected, his cheeks go slightly red and he waves.

You can hear the Gryffindor "ohhh" from behide you. You turn around, giving them a glaring look. They all hush, going back to their food.

"Welcome back, (F/N)," Snape says, not really yelling but loud enough for you to hear.

Not knowing what came out till you said, you spoke "I missed you too!"

He blushes brightly, and looks back at his plate. Behide you, you can hear Peeves hysterical laughter.

"Took you long enough!" The ghost sings.

You snarl at him, sitting down and grin as you start to eat your food.

A/N This new update is so confusing!! Anyway, that last bit could be better but I'm not gonna fix it. My dog got in cow poop and I had to give him a bath - it stunk so bad I almost threw up. But still, Thanks for reading!

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