Neville × Reader

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   Part 1

  He was suprised when he saw you walk up to the Prefect bathroom door and enter. Not amazingly suprised, no. It's not mind-blowing that you're a Prefect. It's just, you're a Prefect, and he's a Prefect too.

  And so, when he sees you walking into the bathroom like your meant to, he burst with joy. He's hoped that he'd be a Prefect along with you ever since you two meet on the train First Year. Mostly because Prefects get to spend time with each other alot, which means he won't have to awkwardly ask if he could sit by you in study hall. Or if you'd like to be partners in class. It's already put together, so he doesn't have to worry about rejection.

  He's pushed over when Hermione bumps into him. Of course, because of his clumsiness, he falls to his rear and groans.


  "Ghezz, Hermione. Kill the poor lad," Ron says as he helps Neville back to his feet, rubbing his shoulder.

  Hermione shakes her head, "Sorry, Neville. I must be off," she sighs and starts to jog down the hall. "Again, sorry!" She yells.

  Neville calls back an reassurance and picks his book up off the floor. Ronald stands behide, leaning over him in a questioning pose.

  "What?" Neville asks.

  "I saw you," Ron says. "Checking out (F/N)."

  Neville feels the burning blush climb up his neck. "I-I wouldn't use that t-term. Ma-maybe glance?"

  "No," Ron jokes, "full on up-and-down. You like (him/her)."

  "D-do not!" Neville cries, pulling his book to his chest. "Not one bit! For anything, I-I hate (him/her)!"

  He knew, once he said it, (he/she) was right behide him. Over four years, he's identified the sound of (his/her) footsteps on the marble flooring. And the sweet smell of (his/her) (cologne/perfume). It might sound freakish and stalkerish, but he has. It's what you do when you have a huge crush on somebody. You find every detail about them.

  He didn't expect (F/N) to yell, or attack him in words. He expected (him/her) to calmly walk away, like (he/she) heard nothing. And that's exactly what (he/she) did. Without making a word, you pass by him, holding in burning tears with a straight face.

  Neville stands, looking at the ground, afraid to process the facts of what happened seconds ago.

  "Oi, mate," Ron whispers. "I didn't see (him/her) behide you. I'm really -"

  Neville turns silently to slowly walk down the hall, towards the Gryffindor common room, small tears already rolling down his face.


  Harry smashed his head against his pillow again, whispering up to Ronald: "What happened again?"

  Ron sighs, having explained this plenty of times. "Hermione needed to go to the library, do I was following suit. I saw Neville checking out (F/N), randomly. Hermione ran into him, but ran off. I stayed and confronted him about liking (F/N). He mustn't be ready for admittance, because he said he hated (him/her). (F/N) overheard, and walked away angrily. Neville now believes he's dying."

  Harry listened to the small weeps of Neville in the corner or the dorm. The boy hardly cries, and he's been crying for hours. Worry builds in his chest, and Harry jumps our of bed.

  "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Ron asks.

  "I'm going to get (F/N). Coming?" Harry whispers, pulling out his cloak from inside his chest.

  Ron jumps from his bed. "Is that even a question?"


  You grumble as (B/F/N) shakes you awake. "(F/N). (F/N)~!"

  You swat (his/her) hand away. "What'd you want?"

  "Harry's here. Harry Potter. He says he wants to talk to you." (He/She) whispers in the darkness. You groan, knowing what the boy wants to talk about.

  "Tell him I'm uninterested and incredibly tired while in bed," you say, trying your best to sound sophisticated and uncaring.

  "(F/N), you're wide awake. Maybe you misheard Neville. Please, go talk to him?"

  You whine when (B/F/N) pulls you off your bed and onto the cold floor. Though you completely wish against it, you know that Neville couldn't be telling the truth. Something in his voice wasn't right, and maybe - just maybe - it's for the best to talk with Harry.


  Harry sits right beside your door when you left the (boy/girl) dormitories. He has bags under his eyes, and a sleeping Ronald on his shoulder. You sit down across from him, shooing (B/F/N) away.

  "Good evening, Harry," you say.

  Harry pinches Ronald, and the red head popped up. "Huh? (F/N)! Oh my god, he didn't mean it!"

  You look down at the stone floor, wishing the conversation was over already. Neville is a boy who's known for saying  what he believes. Why can't Harry see that?

  You sigh, and look back up at Potter. "If this is all we're gonna talk about, I ask for you to leave." You thought you'd be able to. But talking about him is to hard.

  Harry looks at Ron, and Ron shakes his head. "No. We're staying," the ginger speaks.

  Harry pulls him up from their seat. "Sorry for disturbing you, (F/N). Let's go, Ronald."

  A/N ahh, I'm dreading this. Talking about my terrible habit of starting something I can't finish. I'm trying, really, and hopefully part 2 of this oneshot will be updated sometime next week. I'm so, so sorry about the wait and hopefully I can get back on the road. Thanks for reading!

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