"I don't understand, YOU don't understand. My whole life I've been shut out. Do you know what I did without you?" Anna asked.

"No." Elsa whispered.

"I had to play by myself, I rode bike down the halls. My only "friends" were paintings on the walls. You don't understand how unloved I felt. My soul was crushed like a grape! My heart was broken in half! Why did you shut me out?" Anna said in the edge of tears.

"Anna, I was forced to be pushed into that room. They locked the door so I couldn't leave. So I wouldn't hurt you." Elsa yelled. Everyone was watching.

"How would you hurt me? Mama and Papa just said you liked to be by yourself! Why did you shut the world out?" Anna spat.

"I can't tell you here." Elsa stammered.

"Why not!? What are you so afraid of!?" Anna yelled.

"Enough!" Elsa yelled. Ice covered the walls. Everyone gasped in horror. Elsa stood up and ran out the door.

"Elsa wait!" Jack yelled running after her.

"What have I done?" Anna whispered.

"Anna it's not your fault." Rapunzel started.

"Then who's fault is it? I pushed her." Anna said looking down.

"Anna, you can't blame yourself." Merida said.

"Then who?" Anna yelled, wanting an answer.

"Me." Rapunzel replied.

"Rapunzel, how could it be." I started.

"How isn't it? I asked her what she thought. I put her in the spotlight." Rapunzel interrupted.

"It's no one's fault." Hiccup said, silencing everyone.

"Hiccup's right." Kristoff said, breaking the silence.

"I need to go find her." Anna said getting up.

"Anna, you can't go alone." Rapunzel said.

"Fine, you guys can come along." Anna said.

"What about class?" Hiccup asked.

"Let's go talk to the principal." Kristoff said. We all got up and walked to the principal's office.

"Anna, you knock on his door." Merida whispered.

"I'm not going to! You do it." Anna whispered back.

"Fine, Punzie you do it." Merida whispered.

"No way. Eugene, knock on his door." Rapunzel whispered.

"Fine, you big babies." I chuckled. I knocked on his door and we heard footsteps walk over to the door.

"Hello?" Mr. Walt said.

"Hey, we wanted to ask you a question." Anna said nervously.

"Sure, sure come in." Mr. Walt said. We followed him in and I sat in my usual spot. "Making yourself cosy Mr. Rider?"

"Yup." I replied as I stretched in my chair.

"Flynn? How many times have you been in here?" Hiccup asked.

"Plenty of times. Usually during the middle of last hour." Mr. Walt answered.

"Sorry, I just find that class really boring. I'd rather talk with you." I chuckled.

"Yes we have had many good talks. Now, what did you want to ask me?" Mr. Walt asked.

"Umm, we were wondering if we could skip school today?" Anna asked nervously.

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