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I didn't know what to do.

I saw what I needed to see.

Looking towards the direction of my now ringing phone, I fought the urge to just rush and pick up the phone. So, I left it to ring until it stopped.

"Natsu, leave me alone."


There he was again.

I picked up your phone last night, Natsu. You said you would stop. Then, why didn't you?

Deciding to pretend I didn't see him and, her. I pushed my way into the convinient store. I grabbed a few requirements for my apartment– To which is for myself only.

"That will be $33." The cashier had kindly informed before I gave a small nod and smile. I grabbed my purse and payed the needed amount.

I quickly took the plastic bags and thanked the kind cashier before walking out the door. I froze when I saw, him.

I lowered my head and quickened my pace. I was trying very hard not to cry. Atleast, not now.

I hate you.


Placing the final dish on the dining table, I sat down and said grace before digging in, not bothering to wait for my sorry excuse of a husband– Whom I still love very much for some reason.

My phone started ringing suddenly, shocking me out of my train of thoughts. I grabbed it quickly and looked at the caller ID. 'Natsu.' It read.

My eyes turned void of emotions as I set it back down on the dining table, continuing with my meal.


"Lucy?" I heard his distant voice, calling for me.

"Lucy," I heard the bedroom door open. "I'm home." I could hear his pained voice.

"Go to sleep," His grin, that I knew very well was slapped onto his face, faltered almost immedietly. "I'm tired. If you're hungry, I steamed some buns. Go put it in the microwave if you want that."

He took quick notice to my sharp and cold tone.

'She couldn't have seen, has she?'

"I don't want that. Hey Lucy, let's talk."

He sat down beside me on my side of the bed. His calloused hand carressed my face softly as I opened my eyes tiredly.

"What is it?" I sat up, 'Just once.' I thought.

"I'm sorry." He said suddenly and laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled lightly, he used to do this when we went to sleep.

Those were only memories.

I cradled his head in my arms before sniffing his hair. I thanked god that it was still the same scent I had grown to love.

"Natsu," "Hmm?"

"I love you. But, I know full well, that the white-haired girl you were always with, says the same."

He evidently stiffened.

"I saw you today," I started. "With her, smiling ever so brightly. I missed how you used to only show me that smile, only me."

"Hey that call we had last night, Natsu. That conversation."

I remembered it vividly,

"You said it already. Why say it again?"

"Because you don't understand."

"You wanna know why I don't?"


"Because I saw what I needed."

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise."


"Did you really mean those words, Natsu?" By now, I could feel his heart beating quicker than before. He was frozen stiff. Not even moving.

I calmly removed my arms around his head. Bringing his face up to mine, I smiled when I had seen his pained face.

"I'll be leaving then." Those words rolled out my tongue so normally, he had thought I staged this before. It was as if it was the most normal thing to say or do.

"I'm going back Kyoto. Where I'll be staying with my brothers and sisters. So please, Natsu,"

Our eyes met, "Make me feel loved tonight, for the last time."

With that, our lips had met.


"Flight 660 to Kyoto, Japan will be taking off in 30 minutes. Please buckle up and turn of all electronics."

This is it, Natsu.

I'll remember all the calls we've had,

All the texts,



Your face,

Your voice,

Your scent,

Your goofy grin or smile,

Your dumb excuse everytime you break something,

And, how you left the big scar in my heart,

Even the words we've spoken to each other,

I'll remember them always.

Wait for me,

Wait for my call.

Goodbye, Natsu.



Natsu called around the apartment, looking for the blonde.

When he saw a note on the table, his heart dropped. 'She couldn't have, could she?'

He picked it up, unprepared for the contents that were about to come spilling into his mind.


If you're reading this, I've most probably have left— to which is why you must have felt the empty atmosphere in the house. Natsu, I wrote this to tell you that I was grateful to you for fulfilling my wishes last night.

For the last few years, I've been living alone while you've been out with Lisanna. I found out her name, isn't that great?

The only thing I've been wishing to have, was for myself to feel the love I've lost ever since you met Lisanna. Even If I do want to hate her, I can't bring myself to hate for something she was kept unknown from. I'm not mad, Natsu. I'm just, disappointed.

I'll be living in Kyoto, I've chosen this place so that you wouldn't be able to find me, even if you were here. I want, need, you to live on for me. 

Natsu, if you love me, I understand you would follow my instructions— Even though I don't know if you do. After all, you've always been the greatest and most understanding guy, I've ever met.

I think I've said to much, live on Natsu, I love you.'



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