Chapter 19

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Taryn started to feel more nervous the closer it got to her wedding. She didn't know why; she knew she was doing the right thing by marrying Gideon. It didn't help that Gideon was keeping secrets from her like their honeymoon destination.  All he would tell her was that it was someplace warm and she should bring summer clothes to wear. She knew Gideon liked to surprise her so she didn't pressure him too much. She was just grateful to be going on a honeymoon in the first place. Some couples could not fit it in their schedules, but luckily for Taryn Gideon was able to get the time off. She looked forward to being alone with him and enjoying some quality time together.

Taryn went for her final dress fitting a few weeks before the wedding. The dress mostly fit her, but it was a little loose at the waist. She would have to get it taken in a bit. The seamstress said the dress would be ready in a week. Taryn didn't realize she had lost weight; she was glad she had gone for a fitting. She didn't want the dress to look loose on her. Gideon already thought she was too skinny.

When Kim got back from her honeymoon, Taryn met her for coffee one afternoon. After they hugged each other in greeting, Taryn asked how the honeymoon was.

"It was spectacular!" Kim cried. "Charlie took me to the most gorgeous resort you've ever seen. The beaches were amazing."

"That's awesome," Taryn said. "You have a great tan."

"I know, right?" Kim replied, smiling. "It was a great place to lounge around and do nothing. Charlie got a little burnt, though."

Kim showed Taryn some pictures of the resort. It looked like quite the romantic getaway.

"I hope Gideon takes me someplace like that," Taryn said, admiring Kim's photos.

"He probably will," Kim said. "He likes surprising you, doesn't he?"

"He sure does," Taryn answered, feeling nervous about it.

They talked a bit about Kim's wedding.

"I have tons of thank you cards to write," Kim said. "You're so lucky your wedding is going to be smaller."

Taryn didn't know most of the people on her guest list. She was glad Kim was going to be there and told her so.

"It's going to be great," Kim assured her. "You'll be so happy after you're married. It will be worth it. Trust me."

Taryn tried to take Kim's words to heart. She honestly did not have as much to stress out over as Kim had done for her wedding. Kim seemed to be really happy as a newlywed, so she took that to be a good sign.

All of a sudden it was a week before the wedding. Taryn picked up her dress and Gideon picked up the wedding rings. All they had left to do was pack their bags for the trip to Vancouver and their honeymoon.  Taryn packed her bathing suit, some sunscreen and some of her nicer summer outfits. She was glad her wedding gown had its own black bag so Gideon wouldn't see it before the ceremony.

They drove down to Vancouver two days before the wedding. Mary and Claude were happy to see them. Mary didn't look stressed out at all. Taryn had butterflies in her stomach, but Gideon seemed to be calm like his parents.

Mary's garden was in its full summer glory. Taryn checked out the back yard before going inside the house. The gazebo was decorated with flower boxes and the back garden was spectacular.

"The garden looks lovely, Mary," Taryn said, smiling. "It's a great place for a wedding."

"The chairs for the guests are going to be placed in rows in front of the gazebo," Mary said, pointing to the empty space by the gazebo.

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