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I opened the front door to see a pair of icy blue eyes staring warmly at me.

"Come in."

He followed me to the couch and we sat. Nothing was really awkward with Chandler because we were always so close. We were comfortable without talking.

"So when's he coming?" He asked, easing further into my dad's recliner and opening the arm to press the massage button.

I shrugged and shifted in my seat.

"Dunno. He's kinda fading on me. He's been an asshole."

Chandler locked his jaw.

"What did he do to you?"

I hastily stopped him from thinking Austin had done something to me. He just cared. A little too much.

"Nothing to me personally, he is just protective over me when I don't need him to be."

A sharp knock at the door made me get up from the conversation. I opened it and saw a straight-faced Austin.

"Hey." He walked in, shutting the door behind us. Chandler was already up and out of his seat to meet Austin.

"I'm Chandler." He held out his hand for Austin to shake. His smile flashed his fresh white teeth.

Austin didn't smile back, weakly shaking Chandler's hand for a second before letting go and turning to me.

"So what are we doing."

He sounded monotone like a robot. I noticed that his fingers were fumbling around with a pair of keys. He had already seemed eager to go.

I took a breath before pouring out the details quickly. I didn't want him to think it was the biggest deal that we planned to bring Garrett along. I tried putting emphasis on other parts of what we were going to do.

"We were going to go pick up Garrett and go to this old art museum, then hopefully we'll have time to-"

Austin lifted his head up at Garrett's name and gave a sadistic smile. His head shook and his fingers crunched in and out of a fist, letting go of his keys and letting them dance off of his belt.

"Then I think I should go." He sassily swung his head around and began to walk out of the door.

I looked back to Chandler. He was evidently confused, just staring at Austin.

"Are you kidding me? Come on. Man up Austin." I blurted out. Bad move. I instantly took it back when I saw him stop in his tracks.

Austin turned his head and let his eyes shoot daggers at me. Chandler had his eyebrows raised and his lips stifling a grin.

Austin turned completely back around and walked to the same spot he was in.

"Okay. I'll man up."

I grinned at the both of them and ran to get my keys and bag. I came back and unlocked my car so we could all go out and get in.

Chandler sat in the back and Austin sat in the passenger's seat. I turned the radio low and tried to start off a conversation.

"Garrett had been writing me these notes. Like really cheesy poems and a cool drawing on the back. Did you know he was doing that?"

I didn't really think about how Austin would react.

I shouldn't have brought it up. He's going to leave the car and cause a scene. I'm such an idiot-

He just lowered his eyes to the dashboard and kept them there.


I sighed and turned my attention back to the road. Chandler crouched up to the front seats and rested each of his hands on the back of them.

Sketch (Austin Abrams)Where stories live. Discover now