Yuma Tsukumo

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Yusei POV

I'm on my way to go pick Yugi  and Yami up from the game shop. I can't seem to get over what Yugi told me. After all of this peace there's someone else that wants to kill us now and it's driving me batshit crazy. It should make someone paranoid but isn't really affecting me. I think I've been desensitized, by the number of people that have wanted to kill me. It still makes me nervous though, I'm not gonna lie about that. I've done nothing lately but occasionally save the world, got to school and run my D-runner shop; absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for my life.
"Dude watch where you're going!!!" I slammed on the brakes and jumped out the car. I see a boy that looks like he's a freshman glaring at me. "Dude you almost hit me!! The one time I'm on the crosswalk people decide they want to hit me. This is the SECOND TIME I've almost gotten hit by some idiot not paying attention." The guy looks familiar....like he goes to my school or something. "Hey...uh...your name's Yuma right?" "That's me." So he's the Tsukumo kid....What is wrong with his hair??

Yuma's POV
OK I can't really get mad at Yusei Fudo, apparently he wasn't paying attention and felt bad about almost hitting me. But that isn't what has me creeped out. Astral acted really weird last night; his eyes became red and he said "Assassin is coming" then he went back to normal. At first I thought it was just something he had to go through on his own when he told me the exact opposite. "Hey kid, you wanna ride to school? Least I can do for almost hitting you." "Now why should I trust you? C'mon dude you nearly t-boned me." Ok I know I'm acting paranoid right now, but I can't take any chances with Astral acting all kinds of weird. "One thing I know about guys your age is that you never stop talking and when you do something really wrong happened recently. So what's up with you Yuma?,"He said, snatching me out of my thoughts. "Well Yusei, it's a lot of things."

Yusei's POV

"I've seen some pretty unbelievable things in my life; what's there not to believe?" "OK Yusei, I need you to touch my pendant." "What?" "Just do it, it's part of my explanation." "OK fine...*touches pendant* uh whoa. Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this."

"This is my friend Astral, he helps me with my dueling...some of the time." "Yuma, I believe you mean most of the time and I can make my own introductions. Now why am I here?" "You probably don't remember this but last night you turned to Dark Astral and said something along the lines of Assassin is coming. Do you remember ANYTHING?" "Yes, I remember now. She used a card and controlled me, I think it was Soul Thief and that caused me to go Dark Astral. And who might you be young man?",he asked Yusei. "Yusei Fudo, from what I've been told your name is Astral. Are you anything like Yami, the spirit of the puzzle?" 

"Yami? You've met the legendary Pharaoh Atem in his real life body?" Astral asked. "Uh yeah..." *Astral squeals like a fangirl**Yuma and Yusei sweatdrop* "Yusei, your friend Yami must be really something for Astral to squeal like that." "Apparently he his, but I'll let them explain everything to you."

*On the phone*

"Yami I'm coming over with company."
"Dude I know you're coming over to pick us up soon so why are you calling? "
"I'm not picking you up."
"What are you talking about?"
"Yami there's a lot you don't know and now there's something Yugi doesn't know either. We all have some explaining to do, so right now I'm not gonna go to school with a freaking Assassin after me."
"An Assassin" *in the retard voice*
"Get here quickly."
*Yami hangs up*
"Well what the fuck do you think I'm trying to do Yami?"

Alright peoples of the fanfiction world. What are your thoughts about the new versions of these chapters? Please respond either on my message board or in the comment section below. Thx..😆😆👊


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