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Seeing as the rest of the day they had to work on boring files, Tali liked it better to play with the paper that was wrapped around her straw before. Then she would go get some coffee for everyone. And when she came back, McGee had taken some of her files away and did them for her. Finally Tali started to work and she was fast when she finished, nobody else had so she took some of McGee's files and did them for him as he did some for her before. After finishing those files they were allowed to go home. But Tali had no intention to do so. She was on her way to her father's apartment, the place she grew up ever since she lived in DC.
Her dad had cooked Lasagne and both of them ate like there was no tomorrow. They talked and decided to watch a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. As soon as Tali found out that this was her mother's favourite movie, it became hers too.

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