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18 years later

Agent Carter and Agent Summons were in the NCIS headquarters office working on their files of cold cases, as the elevator opened with a pling. Both didn't care knowing that they better were ready with more than ten files before their boss came. That was until there was a girl, well more like young woman, walking past their tables right to the one, that belonged to their boss. They didn't really like new people in the team and their boss didn't too.
The woman seemed to not know that, because she just sat down in the chair in front of the desk, leaned back and put her feet on the table.
Now they were sure that this girl wouldn't last long among their team. Right in that moment their boss entered the hallway, coming to his desk.
Summons decided to be a little helpful for the poor girl as he didn't want to have any loud noises around his head which felt like it would blast any second. That's the bad thing of hangovers he thought all to himself.
"Hey, you better put down your feet and stand up, our boss doesn't like shoes on his table." Thinking back, to when Abby, the forensic scientist did that and their boss almost flipped even though they were best friends.
The girl didn't move an inch and before he could get her to stand up himself, the boss appeared in front of his desk, looking at the girl smiling.
"You're early, Tali."

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