They were so.. In love, it couldn't have been that easy for them to fall out of it.

All that was heard was the clatter of spoons and forks on breakfast platters until he spoke up.

"We've got to get them back together." Niall said slowly as he chewed his food.

"What? That's insane. We can't just get them back together, because it's.. Impossible."

"It isn't that impossible, I mean we can manage it ourselves. Get him to fly here to meet me, but we'll set them up, I don't know." He shrugged.

"This is wrong." I groaned, closing my eyes. "Natalie will hate me."

"She'll thank us." He grinned.

"No, she will most definitely hate me. And Zayn will hate me too."

Niall sighed. "Look, I just want them happy again. I'm not stupid, I mean I can see how she's suffering. I don't know, this could be like a favor for the both of them or something. And even if they don't get back together, it could be closure for the both of them if they really want to go separate ways."

Slightly narrowing my eyes, I took a bite of my pancakes.

"So are you in or not?" He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "Come on, I go back home in three days. We might as well make the most of it while I'm still here."

I sat there in silence, just staring at him as I ate from my plate. "I don't know, Niall. It's just a bit.. Sketchy. It's like putting two lions in a cage."

"And your point is?" He shrugged. "Come on, Alex. This could actually work." He smiled. "We're not really doing anything, we're kind of just giving them a tiny, little nudge, I guess."

Sighing, I stared at him, shaking my head. If setting them up to meet behind their backs was a tiny, little nudge to Niall, I had no idea what.

This boy had no chill, none at all.

I couldn't even believe I was slightly considering this.. But maybe he's right.

It's only right for them to either have closure or continue where they had left off.

"Alright, then. If this plan, were to happen perhaps.. What are we going to do?" I breathed out, as he grinned excitedly, blue eyes lighting up.



- Harry -


I decided to leave work early, only because my mind was somewhere else ever since I officially spoke to Natalie again, after everything that's been going on.

I had to be alone, and I made it clear to Louis that I really did need some time to bask in what had just occurred.

I stare up at the afternoon skies, sighing as I had casually stuffed my hands into my pocket.

Nearly jumping, my phone buzzes again and for a second, I'm almost scared to death, thinking it was Natalie again.

Instead I let out a breath of relief, but immediately I'm confused when I see Niall's name pop up on the screen.

Thinking about it now, I actually missed the lad, all the fun times we had back then.

Picking it up, I tried to sound happy. Emphasis on tried.

"Hey, Niall!" I exclaimed.

"Maaate! How are you? Everything good there in London?"

Does he even know about the breakup? Or at least what I thought was a breakup? Did I have to bring it up for the thousandth time? Hopefully not.

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