Chapter 19

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Chrissy's Point of View

I can't believe it. Last time, I was at my parents' funeral and now I'm attending my boyfriend's funeral. Why? Why did I have to lose you too? Why did you leave me? I can't stop the tears from falling down. They fall on their own.

Since that day, I do nothing but cry, avoid eating, stare at our pictures, go back to our memories and I've been losing sleep too. Martha divorced her husband. Nancy and the ex husband left the house and lived on their own. Martha and the boys tried their best to get me out of my room and cheer me up but I'm just sunken in the deep part of the Grief sea.

"Why didn't he just take me with him?" I asked myself.

Alex's Point of View

When Daniel died, it was like Chrissy died with him. Every night, Chrissy cries. Every morning she goes to school with us but she avoids everyone. She goes straight to her room to cry again. Last night, I even heard her calling out Daniel's name.

I walked to Chrissy's room. The door was locked. There was something telling me that something is not right. Something is wrong. I went to my mother's room and asked for the key to Chrissy's room. All of us saw it. Chrissy overdosed herself with sleeping pills. She isn't dead yet. That was luck.

We brought her immediately to the hospital. I waited for her to wake up. "Am I dead?" She asked me. "Nope." I responded. "Why did you stop my death? I should just die and be with then." She told me. "No! Do you think Daniel wants you to do that? Do you think he wants you to suffer?!" I asked her. "Why do you find it easy? It hurts but you're fine." She snapped. "You think I'm okay? No. I'm not. I lost a brother. I lost a family. You're just his girlfriend." I spat. She started to cry. "But I love him." She breathed. "I know. We all do. But I know that he wants you to be happy and not miserable." I calmly said. She nodded.

A month and two weeks later, Sammuel planned a party at his house. My brothers and I came. We brought Chrissy with us. A group of girls swarmed us which made us lose Chrissy in the crowd. I squeezed out of the crowd to find her. My eyes fell on Sammuel who was pulling a crying Chrissy upstairs. I ran after them. "What are you going to do?" I asked Sammuel as he threw Chrissy who was screaming to bed. Before he could explain, I punched him in the face. He was obviously drunk. "Thank you." Chrissy said as she wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry I failed to protect you. Because of my failure, Sammuel was able to lay a hand on you." I apologized. "No. You came and saved me before it's too late." She said.

I took her home immediately after that. I asked her to change her clothes then I went out because I respect her. But the one who watched over her the whole night was me. It hurts when she calls him. She still loves him after all this time.

Fiday afternoon, Chrissy and I were summoned to the library. We were asked to help the librarian. We reached till evening and we were quiet in fixing. Guess what happened. We were locked in the library. How cliché? Super. Not. Since there was no way out and no signal, we just stayed there. I let Chrissy use my shoulder as her pillow. I even gave her my jacket when she felt cold.

December came and Christmas was just around the corner. I had my plan, to tell Chrissy that I love her. First, we have a Winter ball then it will be Winter break.

I asked Chrissy to be my date since I couldn't entrust her to the other guys. She actually said yes.

At the Winter ball, even thou she looked so beautiful in her White Gown, she looked lifeless. "Come on, Chrissy. You have to cheer up." Loki told her. She nodded but didn't cheer up. "Chrissy, please. Daniel wanted you to be happy." I told her. She cried instead. This is hopeless.

When Christmas Eve came, I decided not to tell her I love her. She's so loyal to my dead brother. We were clicking back then until I was idiotic enough to get back with Crystal. What if I didn't? Will she love me and not Daniel? I'm sorry for that thought thou. Daniel, what should I do?

The next day is Christmas. We had indoor games and outdoor games. "I hid 10 pieces of treasure all over the garden, find it." Mother said. "And I paired you. Loki and West. Chrissy and Alex. Nathan, you'll have to work alone." Mother added with a sad smile. Maybe she remembered Daniel. Everything is so different right now.

When I looked around, I saw Chrissy climbing a ladder. Damn girl. Rushing my pace, I saw her get her hands on one of the treasures. While she was going down, she slipped and pulled the ladder with her. I caught her in my arms and moved us to avoid the falling ladder. The treasure was in a gold wrapped box. The second treasure was a box wrapped with a red gift wrapper. The third treasure was also in a box wrapped with Green wrapper. The fourth one is in a Brown box.

We gathered to open the treasures. In the gold box there was a paper that says "more allowance." Loki looked jealous because our team got it. "New car" says the piece of paper from the red box. The Green box had chocolates. The brown box had two atm cards and a letter that says "use the ***** amount wisely."

Nathan opened his and got two wrist watches from a black box. He gave the other watch to Loki. The Blue box contained 5 VIP tickets to 5 Seconds of Summer Concert. Nathan gave one to Chrissy because we all know she likes them. He gave one to me, one for mom, one for Loki and one for West. The next box had a paper saying "car".

Loki and West opened their treasures. The pink box which West found had two teddy bears. "Mom!" Loki screamed "Teddies!" West squeaked. "Keep them, buddy." Loki said to West. "Yey!" The happy child hugged his brother. The Violet box which Loki found had gummy bears. Again, he surrendered it to West. The next was an orange box. It had a paper saying "shopping spree for two". "Finally, something we can both enjoy." Loki said as he hi fived West.

Nancy's boyfriend sent us gifts. Cash to be exact. He promised to give us financial support too. The fact that Nathan, Daniel, Loki and I were mother's sons she had with her ex that we don't know. West was some sort of Mom's and Nancy's boyfriend's mistake. The three were best friends. Mom told me that story when he divorced our so called father. Daniel became a mess and died because he was the one who figured it out first as we all know.

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