FIVE; 05

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song; all in - monsta x (mi bebs ;u;)

chapter five; 오

一Shimi's point of view


     I glared at Hoseok as he laid in the sofa half asleep. He hadn't even noticed my presence.

" Hey Hoe?! " I exclaimed and waved my hands in his face, making sure to gain his attention.

" Woa! " He shrieked and slapped my hands away on reflex. " What do you want? "

" Can I borrow one of your sweaters? " I asked and gave him my best puppy dog look.

" Sure, make yourself at home. " He replied and smiled widely before winking at me.

I smiled widely and started skipping towards my room to get his sweater. I smiled to myself as I pulled the maroon adidas sweater over my head after taking off my pajamas t-shirt.

" Thank you Hoe! " I yelled as I walked out of my room while taking my hair out of the braids I had braided the night before.

I walked into the kitchen while I let my fingers slide trough my now curly hair with a smile on my lips.

" EGG AND BACON!! " I exclaimed as I found the two boys sitting in our kitchen and eating my favourite breakfast dish.

Jungkook took a quick swipe over the bowl of bacon and stuffed his mouth with what seemed to be everything that was left.

" Jungkook? Did you just take everything that was left? " I asked with tears at the back of my eyes.

" Well it's empty now isn't it, Taehyung? " Jungkook questioned with a smirk upon his lips.

" I swear to god that you're the reincarnation of the devil, Jungkook. " I grunted and made a face.

Jungkook just stuck his tongue out and started washing off his plate. Taehyung turned towards me with a soft smile.

" You can get what I've got left. " He told me and smiled sweetly.

My heart started raising for a second, and without thinking I just nodded. I only realised that I had accepted when he pulled away after putting the remains of his meal before me.

" Thank you, TaeTae. " I thanked happily as I started eating the delicious breakfast of mine.

Meanwhile I was sitting there happily eating my food in the middle of my own thoughts a knock was heard on the kitchen window. I jumped in my seat, shocked from the sudden sound. I got up  quickly and ran towards the window with my eyes wide in both shock and curiosity.

" Annyeong? " I said slowly as I opened the window slightly.

A face then popped up, no two faces.

" HI! "

I jumped back, frightened. I clasped my hands onto my chest as I could feel my heart beating faster than I'd ever thought it would.

" Aigo! Namjoon, Yoongi~. WAE? " I shouted at them as I jumped up and down in frustration.

" Good morning Shimi, is Jungkook here? " Namjoon asked casually and smiled calmly.

I looked around the kitchen quickly, scouting for my brother and his, and my, friends. I couldn't see them, though I was sure they had been there only a little while before.

" I can't see him. " I replied as I turned back towards the window only to see no one there either.

thanks for reading ;) 3.4k though, thanks <3

i hope this chapter wasn't too boring and that the wait was too long, if so, mianhae~.

heidi lovise

coward一 p. jiminजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें