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We woke up the next day and decided to get married at the courthouse. Especially if we wanted to keep this on the down low since the public would probably find out about the both of them. I didn't feel the need to put on a white dress, but instead I did put on a nicer top with a pair of jeans. I only needed to marry one of the Michaels, so Bad decided to take the reigns and marry me. We arrived at the courthouse and signed the paperwork we needed. Before we knew it, it was official. We were husband and wife. We went back into the car and Bad had kissed me.

He pulled away, "Something's happening, but I can't pinpoint what it is."

I tilted my head. I expected more excitement, but instead I get concerned.


We got home and Michael greeted me with the biggest hug. I hugged back of course, Bad took it as an opportunity to disappear upstairs. I was supposed to be picked up by my friends to celebrate later, but at this pace I was considering on canceling. Michael assured me that I didn't have to worry. Little did I know I did have to worry, just not for Bad. I did go out, my friends took me to a bar. Paparazzi had found out where I was going and snapped pictures of me. I tried my best to be civilized, since this really wasn't my scene. Clubs really brought out my anxiety. For my friends sake, I went ahead and played along. They started to buy bottles, I sat there and considered my situation. Bad told me something's happening but he didn't specify what. Not to mention he seemed in a rush to get away from me. My mind was going in circles. One of my friends sat next to me and stared at me, which I didn't notice because I was spaced out. She tapped my shoulder and I looked at her.

"Drink," she winked at me.

I shook my head and smiled back. I wasn't really in the mood to do so. She gave me the glass and took off onto the dance floor. I stared at the glass in my hand. Why am I stressing right now? I deserve to have fun for just one night right?

One Hour Later

"Come on babe get down before we get kicked out!" She shouted over the loud music.

"No!" I shouted, continuing to dance on top of a table.

I was seeing double, double everything. I felt weightless and the club lights just made me feel like I was on top of the world. I seen one of the clubs guards walking up to the table.

"Ma'am please get down before we have to escort you out of the building." He said.

"I don't want to!"

I felt arms wrap around my legs and pick me up off the table. I was thrown over someone's shoulder. It wasn't security either. I started hitting their back and told them to let me go.

"Stop before you embarrass yourself even more!" Bad scolded me.

That shut me up.

We went out through the front doors and the paparazzi were still outside, hundreds of flashes going off, then I was thrown into the car. Bad sat across from me. I laid across the seat and stared at him. He made eye contact with me for a few seconds, and I reached out to him. He raised his eyebrow as I grabbed his thigh and laughed.

"Baaaaadddd!" I laughed more.

He put his hand on top of mine and slowly started to smile and chuckle at me.

"Am I on babysitting duty tonight?" Bad asked.

"Who's the baby?"

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