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Bad and I woke up before Michael did. I was going to make breakfast, until Bad came up behind me and squeezed my bum. I turned around.

"What do you want Bad?" I crossed my arms.

"I want you to be mine and not his."

"Did you forget? You are the same person, just split into two parts. One is Bad and one is good. So basically your aiming for a goal that you have reached a long time ago." I turned around and continued making pancakes.

Bad sighed and turned to walk out of the room, until he came up with something.

"Baby?" He turned back around.


"Why don't we go out for a ride on my motorcycle later? I've been wanting to explore this town," He gave me a small smile.

I nodded and smiled back. He gave a little laugh as he walked out of the kitchen to go watch some TV. A few minutes later, Michael came into the kitchen with messy hair.

"Hey honey! What are you making?" He asked, kissing my cheek in the process.

"Just making pancakes, how are you feeling?"

"A little bit better than yesterday. What about you?" he grabbed a water.

"Better as well, why don't you go with Bad for a little bit while breakfast is still being made?"

"No! He's mean to me!" He exclaimed.

"I can hear you!" Bad shouted from the other room.

Michael sighed. I placed all the food on the table and called Bad in to eat. The whole time at the table, I felt the tension between Michael and Bad. Which was weird for me to think about, he's looking at himself. They were competing for my love but both of them had it already. Bad was doing things such as kissing my cheek, and Michael was putting his hand on my thigh. After we were all done with the food, we went into the living room to watch a movie. But that started another fight between them.

"Peter Pan!" Polite Michael shouted.

"Back to the Future!" Bad shouted back.

They were like children. I just sat down and let them have their argument, until I felt my headache coming back.

"ALRIGHT! We're gonna watch the Karate Kid so shut your traps." I groaned and walked into the other room to get the movie.

The boys sat down. I put the movie in and sat down in between them. Later that day, Polite Michael was reading so Bad took this opportunity to take me for a ride. He grabbed my hand and took me outside.

"What's wrong Bad?" I took my hand back.

"I wanted to take you for a ride remember?" He grabbed a helmet for me.

He passed it to me and had me sit behind him. We rode all over the city, admiring all the beautiful things. We had stopped for lunch and talked for a while.

"Why are you so against the other Michael?" I sat back.

"He keeps trying to make me jealous that you were his first. I want some love too, but he keeps getting in the way!" Bad bit his burger.

"I have love for both of you. You guys don't understand that you both were one person, and you asked me out. So I love both of you!" I took his hand in mine.

"It's getting a little late, I bet he's worrying about where you're at." He sighed.

"Let's go." I stood.

Bad paid the bill and we left back home where we found Michael sitting on the couch shaking his leg impatiently. Once he seen me, he ran up to hug me. He left kisses all over my face, causing Bad to roll his eyes.

"Where were you?"

"Me and Bad just took a ride," I held him back from doing anything to Bad.

Michael sighed. He sat down on the couch relieved. I was beginning to think that these boys might just tear me apart.

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