The Morning After

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I stirred in my sleep. My eyes opened slightly, I felt Michaels arms wrapped around me. I only felt him in bed, not Bad. I don't think he was in the room. I slowly unwrapped his arms from me and got up.

I walked around the house, all the lights were pretty much off, except for one. I pushed the door open to the library, Bad was sitting by himself writing something. By this time, it was about 3 AM. I knew Michael had a really hard time sleeping, I tried to spend as much time as I could with him when this happens. But it just reminds me, Bad had gotten all of the...well bad qualities of Michael as a whole. That includes his inability to sleep some nights, while the other got to sleep soundly. I walked over to him and rubbed his shoulders, causing him to jump.

"Did I break your focus?" I smiled.

"It's okay, I was just finishing up anyway," he replied.

"What is that?"

"New song I think might do well, maybe just maybe," he looked at me, "what are you doing up anyways?"

"I just woke up and noticed you were gone. I wanted to make sure you were okay," I slowly started to play with his hair.

"I am, you can go back to bed," he replied, looking back down at his page.

"Bad what happened?" I hated to bring the subject up, but I just wanted to know.

"With what?" He bit his pencil.

"Earlier, you didn't..." I got too embarrassed to continue.

He made eye contact with me once more, taking the pencil out of his mouth.

"I wasn't thinking good things babe. I confess, I really wasn't," he sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I would've done things that you wouldn't have been comfortable with. Trust me. It wouldn't have been good at all. I probably would've lost control on you so I stopped and didn't pull through. It's nothing against you at all so don't think it was something you did," he crossed his arms.

"What wouldn't I have liked? You didn't even try."

"Just trust me on this, please," he rubbed my leg.

I put my hand over his, "can you try to come to bed?"

He nodded and gave me a bright smile. I saw his underlying pain. I love him so much, I just wish I could come up with a solution for him to make him feel okay. But it was impossible, I have no idea how he's even here right now. I wanted to put them back together. I needed him whole. I led him to bed, and held Bad until I felt his breathing steady, he was sleeping.

A few hours later I woke up and I was alone. I yawned and stretched. I sat up and pulled my hair back. I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen, so I threw the blankets off, quickly put on some clothes and made my way downstairs. I made it to the kitchen to see the Michael's arguing as I was expecting. They didn't seem to notice me. They kept shouting, but I wasn't really paying attention to the words that they were shouting. I made the mistake of getting into the middle to try to stop them. All of a sudden, I couldn't tell who, but a pan was grabbed. One of them swung the pan, meaning to hit the other. But the pan swung and hit my head, knocking me out cold.

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