Make Up

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I slipped out of the bed, leaving Michael to sleep his day away from the events that happened earlier with Bad. I hesitated to go into the room that Bad was in. I opened the door slowly to see holes that were made in the walls from Bad's fury. I continued to look around the room. My eyes landed on Bad sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. His knuckles were bloody from punching the walls. So I went to the kitchen and got an ice pack and went back to him. I pressed the ice pack against his knuckles, which caused him to look up. He looked at me as he grabbed the ice pack from my hand. He kept a straight face and looked down. I just sat next to him on the bed.

"You really hurt him Bad," I stated.

He just sighed.

"I know," He didn't make eye contact with me.

"Why did you over react like that? You know about the abuse and all the things that you and him have been through! You brought him back to a dark place he never wanted to be in again," I crossed my arms.

"All I seen was red. I didn't even mean to hurt him as bad as I did."

In the other room, Michael woke up, scared that I might have left somewhere. That maybe I left him alone with only Bad left in the house. He brought his knees up to his chest and stared at the ground. I was just thinking of what to say next.

"Bad this can't happen again. You scared him to death and it hurts me to see either of you hurt. I don't want there to be tension let alone physical fighting when I'm trying to stay with you," I looked down at my knees.

"Where is he?" Bad asked.

"In the bedroom, he should be sleeping," I responded.

He got up and put the ice pack down on the bed and went to the bedroom. I quickly followed him to make sure to prevent another outburst. He opened the door to see Michael in his position where his knees were up to his chest.

"Get up," Bad tapped him on the shoulder.

Michael shook his head no.

"Come on. Get up," Bad repeated.

Michael was afraid of what Bad might do if he didn't stand up, so he did so, slowly and cautiously. Michael had his hands in front of his mouth. Bad pulled Michael's head to his chest to pull him into a hug. Michael's eyes widened at the sudden movement. He slowly returned the hug. Bad released him.

"Sorry for earlier," Bad mumbled.

Michael nodded.

"I lost it and I didn't think about anything else other than hurting you but now I see that I was wrong to put my hands on you. We both know how Joseph affected us. The last person I'd want to end up resembling is him. I didn't want to recreate those memories. I apologize," Bad sighed.

Michael nodded again.

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes," Michael sniffled.

"I'm also sorry I ate all of the food out of the fridge."

Michael chuckled lightly. They looked at each other then looked at me. They walked up and kissed both of my cheeks. I blushed a deep shade of red. Bad picked me up and ran to the theater while Michael followed behind. Bad set me down on one of the seats and went to put a movie on. This set me in a good mood, but I knew eventually I'd have to speak to both of them about the situation, things can't stay this way for long.

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