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"Before I feel completely comfortable doing this though...I'd like for us to talk about this whole situation," I looked at the both of them.

"Why? I thought things were going good," Bad asked.

"They are, but before taking the step of sleeping with you I'd like to feel comfortable and not fear getting torn apart by you both," I continued.

"She's right, how could we ask for her to do this?" Michael sighed.

"You know I love you both dearly, I really do."

Bad out his hand on my cheek and caressed me, my cheek, down my neck, and his hand rested on my shoulder, "you want me to disappear."

"No Bad it's nothing like that at all," I held his hand.

"You're unpredictable," Michael blurted out.

"What?" Bad turned to him.

"Like that! She doesn't know if you'll hit her too just like you did to me," Michael put his hands up.

"Don't be dumb, you're going to piss me off."

I wrapped my arms around Bad. I felt his muscles tense, but when I held him he relaxed.

"You're his bad side, while you are unpredictable it doesn't mean we can't work with you babe..." I spoke into his ear.

He turned and kissed me. I kissed him back, while I'm the heat of the moment he gripped my shirt tightly, nearly ripping it off. I pulled back from his lips and took my shirt off, Bad did as well. His hands were on my hips, pulling me closer and onto his lap. Michael watched, he was nervous I could tell. Bad kissed on my neck, leaving a small trail of hickeys across my collar bone. I reached my hand out to Michael, he took it and I pulled him in.

"She's warm, feel her," Bad mumbled, I could feel him getting more hot as I was unintentionally grinding against him.

I got up from his lap, taking the rest of my clothes off as I felt they were restraining me. This was a completely new experience, not just because we had never been intimate before this. I was trying to play it cool for them, but I'm reality I was just as nervous as he was. I laid down, looking at both of them. They had the same hunger in their eyes, Bad'a was much darker. I sat up, working on taking Michaels clothes off. I kissed Michael, he kissed me back and I wrapped my leg around him, his member pushing against my inner thigh. Bad circled around us. I moaned as Michael slowly eased into me, his face buried into my neck. I was in ecstasy, Michael sat us up so I was straddling him, he was all the way in now.

"B-babe that's," I was overcome with waves of pleasure, he was breathing steadily in my ear which was only turning me on more.

Bad trained his finger down my spine, I shivered.

"Do her," Bad grinded his teeth together.

I closed my eyes as Michael held my hips in place and he moved in and out of me, my wetness making it easier and easier for him to pick up his pace. I wanted Bad too, I wanted him so badly, but he was just watching. He bit his lip as he watched me getting intimate with the other Michael. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't form a simple sentence right now to save my life. Michael slowed down, the minute his hips stopped moving, I moved mine in circles, stimulating my clit, making me moan even louder. Bad took Michaels hands and positioned them on my body, making me turn red.

"Almost there baby?" Bad smiled.

I couldn't answer. I was coming to my peak, but I wanted to get them both off before I satisfied myself.

"Does it feel like it was worth waiting for?" Bad purred.

I moaned in response, that's all I could muster up. This caused him to chuckle. Bad kissed my shoulder.

"Come on me baby, come on I know you can do it my love," he purred again.

I grabbed his face and kissed him hard, coming to my peak in the process. Michael was panting under me, there was a pause, then I felt him come inside of me. Bad but my bottom lip as I pulled away to catch my breath.

"Don't you want me too Bad?" I slid Michael out of myself.

"More than anything in the world," he sat down across the room.

"Why didn't you.."

He winked at me, making me feel embarrassed. I covered myself with the blanket.

"Bad are you coming to bed?" I asked.

I didn't know how to feel. Bad had barely touched me. He walked over, Michael kissed my head and closed his eyes. Bad sat by my side and held my hand. My eyes felt heavier and heavier, until I fell asleep.

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