Chapter Six: Comrades

Start from the beginning

“What’s his problem?” she demanded, hearing more shouts from outside.

After a sigh, “It seems that a few people have caught wind of your previous…” he struggled for the word. “Occupation.” He winced. She rolled her eyes.

“Were you planning to keep it a secret?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

“Wyatt thought it may not be such a great idea to tell them his mate was a hunter.” Dylan retorted with exasperation. He ran a hand through his hair nervously. “But apparently, somebody found out anyway.”

She noticed the yells from outside had ceased – right before Wyatt walked in. He had a grim expression, but looked unhurt. She didn’t realise she’d be so relieved.

“We’ve got trouble.”

“Well no shit.” Dylan spat. His Alpha shot him a sharp look, to which he lowered his eyes and muttered a quick apology.

“Dan’s not going to let this go. I don’t know how many others know, but they’ll be right behind him.” Clara shifted uncomfortably, trying not to let her unease show. How far would the werewolves go? She didn’t want to be the reason that his pack fought amongst themselves.

Wyatt was staring intently at her. He walked up to her, grasping her forearms firmly. “I won’t let them hurt you.” He promised.

She didn’t notice Dylan leaving the room – her gaze was fixed solely on him. “I -” she swallowed. “I’m sorry -”

“Don’t.” he cut her off, trailing his fingers up her arm. “I brought you here. You’re my responsibility, and I won’t let anything happen to you.” She was frozen in place, supressing the tingles she felt from his fingers on her skin.

He leaned closer and her breath picked up – she couldn’t look away. With an excruciatingly slow pace, he placed a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes and heard him walk away.

For the first time, she was left utterly speechless.

*     *     *

“Come on, Clara. “Luke whispered, motioning for her to follow. She did so quietly, eyeing her surroundings warily. She’d never liked Boston and its high rises, the alleyways which could conceal the most dangerous of creatures. This night, they were on a hunt. Her first, to be exact, and Luke’s fourth. Despite them being the same age, as twins, he’d joined the trade a few months before her – mainly due to her reluctance.

But yet, there she was, crossbow in hand, searching for some werewolves.

Garrett had caught wind of a travelling rogue wolf in town and had handed the job over to them. It would be an easy starter: one wolf, two hunters. However, Clara found that luck wasn’t always on their side.

They stood frozen against the wall, listening to voices from around the corner. After a whispered countdown, the two stepped out into the alley, weapons raised. Before them were three people. To her, they didn’t look like werewolves – just ordinary people, albeit a little strangely dressed. Their clothing was mismatched, rumpled and dirty, like many of the city’s less fortunate.

She was quick to be corrected. The largest man let out an animalistic growl that echoed through the area, revealing that he was not at all human.

Sam struck first, sending a bullet straight into his stomach. The homemade silencer muffled it, but the noise still made her flinch. He ran forward with a yell as Clara aimed. One of the three werewolves, a young, furious-looking woman was heading straight for her. With practised precision, she fired – the bolt was embedded a second later in her chest. Clara watched with a mix of horror and fascination as the woman collapsed, letting out an agonised howl.

She didn’t have much time to think on what she’d done – looking up, she saw that Luke had lost his gun and was fending the last werewolf off with a long blade. Without warning, the large hulk of a man stepped back and snarled. It happened in only a few seconds, but she could see his bones growing and changing as he changed into a wolf.

Trying to break free of the shock that held her in place, she quickly loaded another bolt and aimed for the creature. Luke still fought, slashing at it mercilessly. Finally, when he stepped out of the way, she let the bolt loose.

She could still remember every detail of that night. The look of fear on the woman’s face when she realised she was about to die, and the agonised screams that filled the night air after Luke left his to bleed out.

It hadn’t been a night she was proud of, unlike him. He took joy in killing the wolves – Clara only did it with coldness. She didn’t believe in making them suffer.

But that didn’t make her any better – not really. She still hunted and killed werewolves without exception, until now. This particular hunt she knew would be challenging, but quick nonetheless. Luke, the more apt fighter of the two, hadn’t wanted her to go. He didn’t think it was safe, trying to kill an Alpha in his own territory.

Clara threw the large backpack through the door of the RV, flinching at the loud noise it made when it landed.

“This is stupid.” Luke snapped. “You don’t even like Theo! What makes you think you can handle two weeks with him?”

“Garrett will be there, too.” She replied calmly, heading over to the next bag. Her brother followed her, glaring at her with familiar blue eyes.

“Not really great company to die with.” He said. She only shrugged at this, trying not to let him get to her. She knew he just wanted her to be safe, but it wasn’t like he hadn’t done things twice as dangerous.

“I’m not going to die, Luke.” She spat back, loading the last bag into the trailer. Her motorcycle was securely in its compartment, all she had to do was wait for Theo, ever the slowest, to load his things.

“You’re not thinking straight! There are three of you and you’re going straight onto their land.” He yelled, grabbing her wrist. “To kill an Alpha, no less.”

She was getting tired of her brother’s whining, and snatched her hand away with a scowl. “Look, I’m going, okay? I’ll be back in two weeks, alive.”

With that she followed the silently smirking Theo into the RV, feeling the engine rumble beneath her feet. She slammed the door behind her, looking out of the window at her brother. He looked solemn now – resigned. At her signal, they drove away.


Sorry, that flashback may have not fit very well. I had to chop it off the last chapter as it was too long :( Oh well. It'll be the last one until chapter eleven. 

Hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you think! Dedication to Laura, check out her amazing story! :)

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