He looks at me with surprise and he begins to blush. "That's not true! I really don't know why we always end up together." He says making circles on the ground with his foot.

"Don't lie to me Iruka." I sternly say.

"Okay fine I may have done that" he says sending a cheeky smile.

"I thought so." I say laughing.

"Wait but , how did you find out?" He asks.

"Well I may have accidentally eavesdropped one time." I say trying to look innocent.

"Yeah sure." He says turning the tables.

Suddenly we hear a rustling noise up ahead of us. We could sense the chakra and noticed it was a bit unusual.

"Stay here." He says with a stern look. He goes to check behind the bush while I get ready for an attack.

After awhile or so, I stand there. Not being able to know what's going on. Should I go find him? I ask myself. After a few more minutes of debating I decide to go on ahead.

I pass the bush where we had first sensed the chakra. There was no one there. It was just a big open space except that there were less trees. I start to walk up a tree to try and get an aerial view. As soon as I reach the top, I notice nothing out of the ordinary.

"This is really weird." I say to no one.
I begin to panic as the time passes by. There was still no sign of Iruka.

Suddenly there was a big thump. I quickly run to that direction. With a kunai knife on my right hand.


I look down and see an injured Iruka. My first instinct was to rush over to him and help him. But he had told me to stop. Which most likely meant I was being led to some sort of trap.

"He's fine." I hear a voice behind me say.

It was a shinobi from the hidden rain village. He looked calm and polite. But there was something about him that made me feel uneasy. He realized that I looked tense and decided to approach me.

"Stay where you are!" I yell.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just so happened to be on the same path." He says with his arms raised.

I look at him and then at Iruka. He was wounded in his chest. Blood spilling from his knee. I decided to go down and help Iruka. Even if it meant having to battle this weirdo.

"Iruka are you okay? Talk to me please" I say while shaking him. I quickly gather myself and begin to tend to his wounds. I wrap his headband on his knee to stop the bleeding.

After I finished, Iruka began to wake up. His eyes were beginning to open. But when he did he looked behind me with his eyes wide open. Before I could even begin to comprehend what was going on, Iruka pushed me forcefully to the ground.

I then heard a big blast and was knocked out unconscious.


"Where am I?" I ask rubbing my forehead.

"You're alright!" Someone says hugging me tightly.

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