The Visit: Part 1

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For a moment you wondered why it felt weird that your scroll had woken you up. You always had it set to wake you up so it's not like this was anything out of the ordinary. But as quickly as you were woken up you realized  that it wasn't your alarm that had woken you up but instead somebody  sending you a message. It was just gone nine o clock, three and half  hours until your alarm was supposed to go off and another hour to go  until your parents opened the shop downstairs. You knew the message  wasn't from them, they usually just woke you up in person if they needed  to. 

You  grabbed the scroll and to see who sent the message. You then felt a  rush of excitement upon seeing it was from your friend Ivan. The two of  you hadn't seen each other since he left to attend Beacon Academy.  Communication with him was kept to minimum, usually just 'how are things  going' and 'any news'. Ivan preferred talking in person as opposed to communicating via scroll. Without a further hesitation you played the message.

"Hey  bud don't know if you're awake yet but just wanted to tell you I'll  come by later when I'm finished classes today. Talk to you then."

"It's about time he came over for a visit."

You  knew the students of Beacon could head into Vale if they wanted to  during their free time. It would have been foolish to assume Ivan would  be visiting you every chance he got but you thought he would have at  least once or twice by now. Whatever the reason you knew he would  probably explain once he came over.

It wasn't all his fault though, you were hesitant to get in touch with   him. You would never admit it to anybody but you were jealous of him.  After you dropped out of combat school that meant the end of any chance  you had of becoming a huntsman and it became hard not to become envious  of him in the slightest. Ivan was just as upset as you were when you  decided to drop out, it was hard to tell which one of you was more  excited about the idea of being a team of huntsmen together. But both of  you had to accept that that had no chance of happening, Ivan continued  with his training and you had to find something else to do with your  life.

Right  now that something else was working the shop with your parents every  now and again. You knew both your parents weren't too thrilled when you  wanted to become a huntsman, not that they were against it, they just  preferred the thought of you doing something  safer. The shop itself was run by your family for generations and, in  keeping with tradition, you would be given the shop when you were older.

Going  back to bed now seemed pointless, the small rush of excitement you felt  from getting Ivan's message was enough to wake you fully. 

"What  am I gonna do now ?" you said to yourself before a thought immediately  came to mind. The last time you chatted with Ivan he mentioned that him  and his team would be going on a mission soon. When you began combat  school both of you began working on a weapon that you would have used,  you even started construction on it. Right now it was put away in a  chest in your room. You always thought it was a shame that you never  even bothered to finish it, but maybe Ivan could get some use from it.  You could easily finish it in the next week or so if you could get the  parts needed. 

You got dressed and decided to go out and find the parts you needed.

Hours later.

For  a good part of the day you were in your room. Your search for parts  earlier hadn't gone as well as you hoped. Several things you needed  weren't available but fortunately would be in again in the next day or  two. If the weapon was to be ready by the time Ivan would be going on  his mission then you would need to spend most of your time working on  it.

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