Let the Game Begin. - Chapter 4

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Author's note: It's been a while, and I finally finished the new part! Now things start to happen, maybe typical fanfiction-stuff, but whatever you find interesting to read.. But what would a fanfic be without any drama, eh? 

I finally made a new pic for the story btw if you noticed, hoorayy!

Anyways, enjoy your reading. Sorry for any incorrect words or/and grammar.

Chapter 4

- Let the game begin

“And.. there! Now you're totally ready for a night out, and you look gor-geous!” Alexis smiled satisfied and turned me around to let me face the mirror. My eyes widened. Wow. I.. I couldn't recognize myself. Bet no one could bet on that it was me, because of all the make-up she put on my face. My eyes were really popping, thanks to the eyeshadow and eyeliner and the very big amount of mascara. I could barely open my eyelids because of it.

“So? Do you like it?” she asked inpatient, probably very proud of her self right now.

“You can barely tell it's me.” I said and smiled a bit, while she had the biggest smirk on her face.

“I knew you would love it! Or of course you would I did an extraordinary job, I'm almost jealous. Oh who am I kidding, of COURSE I'm jealous!” she twittered happily and sprayed some hairspray all over my hair to make the curls stay in place. “Now let's go!”

She dragged me to the hall and gave me another high heels. Oh god. I gave her a begging look, but she wouldn't give up.

“Fine.” I sighed and put on the stilettos.

“Don't be stupid, T. One does simply not go tho the club wearing converse, if you aren't a boy, which you aren't. Just trust the master, you're still just a student and you have a lot to learn.”

“Yeah yeah master queen-of-clubs-and-bossing-over-her-best-friend-and-make-her-wearing-uncomfortable-heels-that-makes-her-wanna-kill-herself.” I said sarcastically while lightly shaking my head.

“Don't be immature, but you're still right about that I'm the queen of clubs.” she smirked and put her high heels on as well. “Everything done, now let's go!” she squealed while opening the door and then stormed out of the flat. I sighed and left calmly, soon entering the cab.


“I have this one guy who told me he would come so if you want to go home or something, just call a cab and don't worry about me, ok?” she forewarned me and raised her eyebrows a bit. “Just enjoy yourself. And have fun of course, don't think too much.” she pepped me and smirked lightly. I nodded and smiled.

“I know, don't worry. Be careful.” I said and she shook her head, but nodded in the end.

“Don't worry about me. Think about yourself, and watch out for Derek and Horan.” she said with a serious look. I nodded to confirm that I'd watch out for them.

If I even saw a glimpse of Niall tonight I would leave that second. Same for Derek. I just prayed that none of them would be there and let me have a normal night out for once. I think I should skip dancing with someone tonight. At least until Niall leaves me alone, if he ever will. But there's really nothing special about me. I'm just.. me. Boring. Uninteresting. Of course he'll get tired of me when he finally realize that I'm not a keeper.


Soon the cab stopped just when my thinking ended. We payed him and climbed out of the cab. One last glimpse at each other before we went into the club, which was literally packed. It was people everywhere. Before I could think Alexis dragged me straight to the center of the dance floor and danced wildly. I just kept up with her and danced along. Soon enough she started to dance with some random guy I believe was the one she talked about earlier. I just danced on the spot, very uncomfortable. But it didn't take long before I started to relax a bit and just danced my heart out. Approximately an hour later my feet started hurting just a little bit. I looked around to see which way was the best to get out of this group of hundreds of people. Then, by one of the entrances, the blonde-haired boy walked in with three more dangerous-looking guys behind him. My relaxation dropped to zero and my heart started immediately racing. Shit. I can't let him see me. To my relief they walked straight into a private room. VIP I think. I sighed and felt the calm rush through my body. Now I really needed a drink. A strong one.

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