chapter two

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"Am I dead? No I can't be" I thought. I tried to breath but all I could taste was water I stared coughing and the water slowly left and air was coming in I opened my eyes and saw a boy around my age in a link costume? But his eyes were black and red and were bleeding.


I looked at her she had beautiful long brown hair and beautiful yellow eyes wait her eyes are opened crap! "why would Ben drowned be looking at me?" she said sacredly "how do you know my name?" I asked.


I remember it's Ben drowned "why would Ben drowned be looking at me?" I asked. "How do you know my name?" he asked back before I could answer the water started rippling and Jeff came through with a insane smile on his face I tried to stand up but I realized I was on Ben's lap with his arm tightly wrapped around my shoulders "let go of me Ben I need to get away from him" I yelled grabbing his hand and throwing it off of me with a lot of force.


Before she could answer my question Jeff returned from her world with a super crazy smile on his face that even freaked me out and I think it freaked the girl. "Let go of me Ben I need to get away from him" she yelled and I could hear the fear in her voice. She grabbed my hand and threw it off of her shoulders where I had rested it "why it's only Jeff" I asked looking up at her because I was sitting and she was standing "he took my mom and tried to kill me before I fell into the water" she explained with a shaky voice "so her mom was the victim no wonder he kept her alive" I thought


I was finally standing ready to run but Ben stopped me with a question he asked "why it's only Jeff" he said looking up at me. "he took my mom and tried to kill me before I fell into the water" I explained trying to keep the shakiness under control but I failed. "Well I kinda like you, your interesting so I will stop Jeff from killing you" he said standing up and dusting of his pants


"Well I kinda like you, your interesting so I will stop Jeff from Killing you" I said standing up dusting my pants off I summoned my pixel sword and went to my fighting stance ready for him "your really going to choose her over your best friend?" he asked me laughing "no Jeff you already killed her but there she is standing looking like she's alive so I'm choosing a person who is more interesting than you" I said smirking. We engaged in the fight and I won


Ben got into his fight stance and was ready but Jeff started talking he said "your really going to choose her over your best friend?" he said laughing "no Jeff you already killed her but there she is standing looking like she's alive so I'm choosing someone who is more interesting than you" he replied smirking then bam they started fighting it was quick but Ben won with his sword through Jeff's arm ready to tear it off. "wait dead I'm not dead I'm right here" I thought I quickly checked for my pulse on my neck but nope no pulse I checked my wrist nope I tried to find my heart beat I couldn't find it I screamed then passed out


After I won the girl screamed then passed out cold on the ground "I didn't touch the girl she drowned you didn't save her in time" Jeff laughed standing up. I walked over to the girl and picked her up bridal style and walked back home to the mansion "you didn't kill the mom right?" I asked Jeff looking back at him "nope I left to pick up one of her kids as my return for the woman's life" he said walking ahead of me I laughed to myself shaking my head when the girl caught my attention "what is your name?" I thought to myself "I believe I heard the mom say and I quote I love you Attica and you to Jeffrey I thought she was talking about me so I stabbed her in the leg" he said looking back at me. "Attica huh?" I thought looking at her.

To be continued

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