Chapter 4: The Deal

Start from the beginning

He looked at me and started skating slowly by my side. "Areum dragged me into this, but I forgot how enjoyable ice skating is."

I laughed. "Seulgi dragged me into this because I forgot how bad I was at skating."

He laughed shortly.

"We used to race," I said suddenly. "Do you remember?"

"I always won," he said, grinning at me.

I cocked my head. "That's right, you did."

"And you always tackled me after I won," he added.

"That was only once!" I said. He laughed. 

This was actually almost nice. At least, it was a huge improvement from the constant fighting of years ago. I never wanted to go back to that perpetual conflict.

After a moment, I asked, "Can we make a deal?"

He paused and looked over at me. "Huh?"

"Let's forget about what brats we were when we were kids, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed quickly, seeming relieved. I had no idea what he'd been thinking I would ask. 

"Good. I'd shake on it, but I don't want to fall. Again." He laughed.

After a moment, he turned back to me. "Wait, I was a brat?"

"We were both brats, and you know it!" I gently pushed him and executed the best turn I could, heading for the benches. My legs were trembling, since I didn't know how to skate decently.

Namjoon passed by. "Are you quitting already?"

"I can't skate. I'll just wait."

Hesitantly, he said, "I'll help you, if you want."

I quickly replied, "No thanks, I'm too tired. I'm really fine. Go skate."

"Okay. See you in a bit, Chunhwa."

I sank onto the benches, and unlaced my skates. I put my shoes back on and leaned forward to watch the skaters. My eyes found Seulgi and Areum, who were still holding hands. They were laughing and enjoying each other's company, seamlessly moving together through the crowd, lost in each other.

Things like this made me miss my ex-boyfriend. Yes, he cheated. Yes, he turned out to be a butt-face. But I guessed that I didn't really miss him, I just missed having someone to hold hands with me and laugh with me.

Stop, I told myself, and tied up the laces on my empty skates so they'd be neat. I went back to watching the skaters, and found Namjoon in the crowd. He looked almost graceful, something he had really never been. I chuckled evilly when he crashed into the wall once.

At last Seulgi and Areum skated over, and Namjoon followed. I was cold from sitting so long, but at least I hadn't been out there falling down and hurting myself.

"Boring old Chunhwa," Seulgi teased.

"Don't start," I warned. "You're the one who dragged me into this."

He raised his hands. "You're the one who came!"

I shook my head and stood up. "You have a point."

They all took their skates off, and we headed to the car. I slid into my seat and watched Namjoon fold himself into the other seat. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" he asked irritably.

"You're really not built for small cars, are you?" I asked, giggling.

He sighed. "Stop it. I thought we were going to quit being brats."

"You call that being a brat? You obviously don't know what a real brat is," I said.

He looked at me. "Are you kidding? I live with Jungkook, Jimin and V!"


He shook his head in wonder. "You're kidding, right?"

"No." I suddenly realized. "Oh, are you talking about members of your band?"

"You really haven't heard of Bangtan?"

"Oh, I've heard of the group; you guys seem really popular nowadays. I just haven't had time to keep up with that kind of thing for a while."

Looking back out his window, he laughed. "I guess not. Well, Jimin, V, and Jungkook are the maknae line in the group, and they can be really hyper. And Hoseok too."

I nodded, pretending to be interested. I didn't care much about his group, but whatever; as long as there wasn't any more awkward silence.

"As the leader, you probably have to keep them in check?"

He buckled his seatbelt as Seulgi started the car. "Sometimes."

I nodded, feeling suddenly tired. Why did I always fall asleep in the car?

"What are you working on right now?" I asked, and he started talking. I tried to listen, but soon all I could hear was the deep tone of his voice. I couldn't help but smile at the way he paused often to think of what he wanted to say next. 

I also had to smile when he didn't even notice my eyes blinking closed. If I wasn't so tired, I would have teased him, but it was more pleasant to just sit there and hear him talk. 

From what he was saying, he had a lot of responsibilities. It seemed Namjoon had really grown up. 

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