c h a p t e r : 15

Start from the beginning

Lilli rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Oh, and Lilli."

"Of course."

"Hi," Felicity and Lilli said simultaneously.

The man called Eddie looked back and forth between Barry and Felicity with shifty blue eyes.

"Great to see you

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"Great to see you."


Lilli took another step back. The group sat in silence for a few seconds before Felicity spoke up.

"What is wrong with you? Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood?" Felicity lowered her voice into a whisper. "I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one."

"It's just, um..." Eddie tilted his head side to side, and Lilli took another step back.

Barry lowered his voice to a soft whisper Lilli couldn't hear. He mumbled something to Eddie and a great expression of relief wiped over his face. Well this is awkward. I'm like that weird person who sits in on other people's conversations. I'm starting to get weird looks... I better get out of here. Lilli turned to leave, but just as she was opening the door to the bustling city ahead, she caught a snippet of Felicity's comment that made her ears perk up.

"....not staying here long. I'm sure Jade and Oliver will be wondering what took us so long."


It had to be bees. Lilli hated bees. So when she heard about an attack at Olston Tech, she let the Flash take care of it. He was the hero of Central City anyways. She was the villain. Lilli looked away from her computer monitor and out of her 30th story window in her office. Other than bees, Lilli wondered what Jade could possibly be doing in Starling. How does Jade know Felicity? How does Felicity know Jade? I wonder about her sometimes...

A little buzz of Lilli's iPhone interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello?" Lilli asked putting the phone up to her ear.

"Hi Lil. I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner tonight?"

"Barry? Hi. I'd love too. What time?"

"Like right now?"

Lilli spit out the water she just drank.

"Like this second? Like get out of my office and go to dinner?"

"Yeah. I'll text you directions. See ya!"

"I'm wearing my work clothes s-"

Barry hung up before Lilli could finish.


Fancy music was playing as Barry, Lilli, Felicity, and Ray entered the restaurant. Lilli was surprised when she showed up at the restaurant and found out her and Barry wouldn't be dining alone. It was an awkward situation all in all and Lilli wasn't feeling to comfortable. But she had grown on Felicity. Mostly because Lilli had found out she had a boyfriend that wasn't Barry Allen.

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