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"Let me handle this," Matt said. "Matt, you can't, you'll die," Greg said. "It's my job, I'm the one to bring him down," Matt said. Matt marched in front of Kobe and charged his energy. "Well Matt, let's end this," Kobe said. Matt charged at Kobe, he thrusts his fist into Kobe's face, but Kobe is unfazed. "Consider that nerve touched," Kobe said. Kobe then roundhouse kicked matt and spun him to oblivion. "I'm not done yet," matt said. The two went into a clash of kicks and punches, which ended with both of them covered in blood. "Demon Wind..." Matt said. "Chaotic..." Kobe said. The clouds grew dark, it's the kind of dark that gives you chills down your spine, and the look of fear in your eyes. "Matt, don't do it!!" Greg screamed. "BLADE!!" Matt screamed. "DESTRUCTION!!" Kobe screamed. Two energy blasts, struggle now in the fight of destruction.
Greg's POV
Matt isn't able to keep hold of that energy for too long. Wait a minute, he wanted to fight him, he wanted to end this himself. He can't do it, but he knows that. I can't do anything, his demon wind technique nullifies all of our techniques. He's lost, Kobe is too much for him.
Narrator's POV
The energy blasts explode from too much power being held. The after effects of the explosion had Kobe standing in a maniacal manner, and Matt on the ground. "MATT," Madison screamed. Greg rushed to his side, and Natalie followed. "Matt, speak to me, please," Greg said. Matt coughed up blood and opened his eyes ever so slightly. "Greg, please, don't be mad," matt said. "You used that technique to keep us from interfering, you dumbass," Greg screamed. "Greg, please, you need to *cough* *hack* you need to stop him," Matt said. "No, stay with me damn it," Greg said. No answer. "Matt." Greg now held a lifeless corpse that was Matt. Natalie and Greg both felt rage that not even Cali could temper. "You bastard," Greg said. "We won't let you get away with this," Natalie said.

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