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It was a dark void, almost pitch black. At the center of it was Greg, he had been surrounded by three glowing gems. "The Dragon's Emerald, what are these other two?" He asked. "The Wolf's Amethyst, and the Blue Esper," a voice said. "Who are you?" Greg asked. But he was soon cut off by being stabbed in the stomach. "I am the third life form, you inferior bastard," the voice said. Then Greg woke up and saw the girl who tried to kill Natalie. He tried to grab his sword, which he believed to be behind him. As he reached behind him to feel around, he felt something flimsy. He squeezed it a couple times in confusion, and looked behind him to see Madison waking up and him groping one of her breasts. She opened her eyes and saw where Greg's hand was and knocked him upside the head. "Damn it Greg, what the hell?" She said. "He was just startled by me," the girl said. "And who are you?" Madison asked. "My name is Miranda," she answered. Cali walked out to find everyone and Greg on the floor. "What happened to him?" Cali asked. "Knocked him out after he groped my boobs," Madison said. "I thought my katana was behind me, I didn't realize you were," Greg said. "Wait, where's Natalie?" Greg asked. "The gem is missing as well," Cali said. Madison and Miranda looked outside to find Matthew and Alyssa clashing blades over something. "Um, Greg, go outside," Miranda said. Greg walks outside to see the fight, he runs to it and hears the words spat around. "You planned to betray us?" Matthew asked. "Planned to, I already took Greg's inhibitor ring, he's powerless now," Alyssa said. She was surprised at a red blast towards her, and out of the blast came Greg. Alyssa extended her blade to a whip, and charged at him. Greg dodged and looked at Matt. "Matt, the sword, now!" He screamed. Matt tossed the sword to Greg, who caught it and slid it out of the sheathe. "You inferior bastard, you won't kill me," she said. "Why did you betray us, it doesn't make any sense," Greg said. "He gave me a better deal, and plus he wants me to avenge my parents," Alyssa said. "Who's he?" Greg asked. By that time, Alyssa extended her whip and hit Greg in the leg. "Okay, I can see talking is useless," Greg said. Greg lunges at her and slashes blue soul through Alyssa's whip. "You backstabbing bitch, I trusted you," Greg said. The blades clashed, and Alyssa back flipped over Greg and sent out a stream of fire from her hand. Greg turned around and counteracted with energy from his hands. "Chaos Spear!!" He shouted. Lightning shot from his hands and took out the fire and hit Alyssa in the chest, which sent her flying back. Greg walked up to her and held Blue Soul's blade in front of her face. "Give me my inhibitor ring, now," Greg said. Alyssa threw it out in front of him and he sheathed his blade. "If you want to live, you better turn around and leave to wherever 'he' is," Greg said. Alyssa walked away and said, "He's the third life form, you won't be able to defeat him alone." "Also," she added. "One of you will not live to see the near future." Greg and Matt stood in agony, then Greg knelt on the ground. "Greg, you OK?" Matt asked. "I'm fine, it's just been a while since I've used my own energy," Greg said, as he put his other inhibitor ring back on. "Do you have the Emerald?" Greg asked. "Yes, it's reacting in a weird way though," Matt said. "It's because we have the Wolf's Amethyst, they seem to have a similar power to one another," a voice said. The boys turn around to see Natalie holding a purple gem, glowing at the same rate of the Dragon's Emerald. "I wonder..." Greg said. "Natalie let's try merging the two gems together." Natalie walked towards Greg and held the Wolf's Amethyst to the Dragon's Emerald, then, a resonance of power filled between the gems. "It's working," Natalie said. "No, this is something different," Greg said. The gems break apart, which Greg's left hand started glowing along with Natalie's neck. The glow revealed the Dragon's Emerald carved into a small gem on the back of Greg's left hand, and the Wolf's Amethyst had become an amulet around Natalie's neck. The two of them were confused, but they couldn't dwell on it. "Hey, we need to get going, I found us a vehicle we can use!" Miranda shouted out of the house. Greg, Matt, and Natalie walk towards the others and saw that Miranda found a truck. "Who's driving?" Cali asked. "Wait, better question, who knows how to hot wire a truck?" Greg gets in it and starts messing around with the wires. "Greg, I wouldn't do that, you could trigger an explosion," Cali said. The engine started without any stalling and smooth running. "What are you guys waiting for, get in," Greg said. Natalie and the others get in and they get out onto the road. "Where are we headed?" Greg asked. "I say we head to a blacksmith or something, the rest of us need a weapon," Matt said. The group drives to find a blacksmith shop anywhere they can find one.

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