Chapter 22: Months Pass On. Then Tragedy.

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"Hello," he gasped into the phone, trying to catch his breath.

"Happy 32nd Birthday! You forgot!"

Peter couldn't keep himself from cringing.

"Yes Miranda, I know I forgot. And what's the big idea? It's 2 in the morning. I didn't think you'd go that early."

"That's what you get for thinking," Miranda laughed back.

Peter rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. He should have seen it coming. Miranda had succesfully gotten her revenge.


Peter's birthday was celebrated. A month later, they celebrated Lucy's. It seemed like the holidays would never end. Yes, they had school during the week, but the weekends always made up for that. The weekends actually seemed to be getting better and better. But unfortunately, good times do not always last.


Peter wasn't sure what made him uneasy that day. In fact, Peter noticed that Edmund and Lucy seemed to feel the same way as he did. As soon as Mother and Susan had left to pick up Mrs. Kellen for that woman's bible study, he had felt a gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach.

For the rest of the day, they were on edge. Every time they heard a car going down the street, they went to the window, hoping that they were coming. But hours later, no one came.

Finally, Peter decided enough was enough. He picked up the phone and called up Miranda. He only had to wait for one ring before he heard...


"Miranda, it's me."

"Oh. Hello Peter." Miranda's voice sounded disappointed.

"Have you heard from my mother or Susan?"

"No," Miranda's said surprised. "I was about to call you and ask if my mom was over there."

"No," Peter answered. "But I'll let you know if we hear anything."

"Thanks Pete."

Peter hung up the phone, now thoroughly confused. Father now seemed to be a bit anxious as well. Where were they?

The phone suddenly rang, and Father quickly picked it up.


Father's face went pale and his eyes went wide.

"We'll be right over there," he said hurriedly, putting down the phone.

"Peter, call Miranda, and tell her to get ready to go. They're all in the hospital."


They raced to the hospital as fast as they can, and immediately went to the front desk.

"Please. I'm Jeffrey Pevensie."

"This way," the nurse said immediately. She led them to a door. There stood a doctor, who made them stop.

"Which one is Miranda Kellen?"

"I am," Miranda said, stepping forward.

"You need to come with me now," the doctor answered, leading her away.

The others waited for a moment before the nurse opened the door.

"Helen's on the left. Susan, on the right," the nurse explained before leaving them.

Mother looked quite a shock. Her head was bandaged, and her arm was wrapped in white. But when she saw them, she gave a wide smile.

"What happened?" Father asked.

"It was an accident," Mother said. "A car crashed into us."

Peter snuck a peak at Susan. She was asleep. She had a scratch on one cheek, and a bruise on her arm, but other than that, looked quite alright.

"She's just in shock," Mother explained. "She went out soon after we arrived."

"What about Lynn?" Father continued asking.

"I'm not sure," Mother replied. "I didn't see her very much after the actual crash. But she looks a lot worse than I do."

A sudden knock on the door made everyone jump. The door opened, and a doctor stepped in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie?"

Mother and Father nodded.

"My name is Dr. Johnson. I'm afraid I have some bad news,..."

The door suddenly opened again, and a breathless nurse burst in.

"What is it?" Dr. Johnson said, his voice tense and worried.

"It's the girl! She's had an attack!"

The doctor raced out of the room. Peter, having a bad feeling, decided to follow. He heard Father saying something to him, but he ignored it. Something was very wrong.

Dr. Johnson turned into a room, a set of nurses holding a stretcher behind him.

"Get her on oxygen! NOW!" Peter heard the doctor shout. A few seconds later, the stretcher was pulled back out. Miranda was the one lying in the stretcher, unconscious, an oxygen mask covering her face.

Peter's heart started beating anxiously as he peeked into the room that they were just in. On a hospital bed, lay Mrs. Lynn Kellen. Her eyes were closed, and she appeared to be asleep. But Peter's eyes saw the monitor beside her bed.

The monitor showed a straight line. She hadn't survived the crash.

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