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Bella's POV
"Wait" Hunter said.
"What" I said.
"This" Hunter said then He kissed me.The boys walked in on us making out and they all said "EWWW" or "AWWWWWW" I couldn't tell. Then my parents walked in after all the boys screamed and my mom said "You better pack your stuff and find a place to live we are kicking you out you have 2 hours to pack your sh*t and leave". "Okay" I said.My parents left the room and then all the boys just looked at me and Cam said "Why would they do that?"."Idk and Idc" I said.Then Hunter said "where are u gonna live". "Idk" I said."Well I guess I better start packing Cam u can borrow my car to get food and boxes please and take Blake, Taylor and Brandon"I said. "Okay" said Cam,Blake,Taylor and Brandon.After they left I told Hunter to take everything out of my dresser. Hunter started taking stuff out of the bottom drawer the the middle then he got to the top and pulled out a pink lace push up bra and said "Oooooooo". "Hunter not that drawer "I screamed.
"Why not" Hunter said. "Because that's my bras and underwear so no just nooooo" I said.
**Much Later**
Bellas POV
"Hunter put music on please I said. "Umhmmm he said.

"Yaay Aarons new song" I said."Yes,I love this song" Brando said.(Brando=Brandon)

Sorry for no update yesterday I was writing this chapter and my Walmart wifi was being extra 💩.
Byeeeeeee YOUU IS CAYUTEEE 💕 💕.

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