Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All

Start from the beginning

                You spin my head right ‘round, right ‘round
                When you go down, when you go down, down

Most of the songs played are by Flo Rida to which you couldn’t keep yourself from dancing into the music. Liam goes first to lead us to our table. Harry and I follow, holding hands while walking. I raise his hand, twirl in place and twitch myself to his side.

“Easy, baby.” He whispers to my ear.

“I can’t help it. I love this song.” I yell for him to hear me over the loud music. I continue swaying and swinging Harry’s hands and he laughs at my foolish gesture.

Louis comes up to us and chuckles, “I can see Valerie’s ready for the party.”

“Totally.” Harry and I say in chorus. The three of us laughed.

“Guys, here!” Liam shouts from a distant, directing us to a vacant table good for eight persons.

The rest of us complied and settled in to the table where Liam suggested for us to occupy.

A lady with a straight blonde hair, perhaps in her twenties, who smile seductively at the boys, especially at Harry came over to our table. She grabs her pen and small notepad from her yellow apron and asks, “What are you having for tonight, ladies and gents?”

Zayn scans all our faces and ask, “What do we want, guys?”

“How about two buckets of light beer?” Harry recites.

“Okay. We’ll have that, miss.” Louis stated to the waitress. She smiles at him, writes down our order and glances back to Harry.

“I’ll have a margarita, please?” I ask the waitress. “You, girls?” I pointed to El and Perrie who are in the opposite side of the table.

“Make that three.”Perrie requested as the waitress keeps on writing, and then again glances to Harry now and then.

“Is that all?” The lady asks again and kept glancing at Harry until she met with his eyes. That unintentionally gets into my nerves and annoy the heck out of me that I just want to prick her eyes with a thick broomstick.

I lean my right arm on Harry’s shoulder and peck his cheek. I lean closer to his side while I look at the waitress from her head to toe with disgust. I drag my look back to her face and met with her eyes. I cock an eye at her and I did not stop staring at her sternly until she sweats and chicken out.

The waitress gulps. Looking pretty much intimidated, she brushes off and resists herself from looking back at my threatening sight. Right sweetie, he’s mine. You should know where your place is, waiting tables.

Harry shrugs off, turn his head to me and kiss my lips.

“Ahem!” Liam pipes up. “I think that’s all. Thanks.”

The embarrassed lady leaves at once and the rest of the lads went snickering. They know very well that I could be mean in such ways. It’s not that I felt jealous; I was just aggravated by her conduct that despite knowing he’s already with someone, she still behaves as if she wants to catch Harry’s attention. Who does she think she is?

“I wish I was that fierce, Valerie.” Perrie grumbles mockingly.

“You should see the look on her face. She was really daunted by Valerie.” Eleanor chuckles.

Harry nuzzles his head to my neck and laugh hysterically. I push his head with my shoulder and reprimanded, “I can’t believe you stared back at her.”

He pulls his head up and shrugs defensively, “No, I didn’t.”

I roll my eyes at him and stand up irritated, “Excuse me.” I grab Eleanor’s hand and drag her to the dance floor. Soon enough, Perrie joins us rocking to the songs inside the bar.

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