Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud

Start from the beginning

“Why are you so happy?” Perrie asks curiously, raising her right brows at me.

Everyone smiled suspiciously, thinking they already know the answer. They started peering at me teasingly and chuckle.

“Hey! It’s not what you think!” I scolded their perverted minds.

“Okay then, so where’s Harry?” Liam snorted teasingly.

I pull out a chair and sit beside Niall, “Still in bed. Y’all know how he is after drinking.” I stated contemptuously at them.

“Why don’t we go and wake him up?” Louis persuades the lads into another plan of mischief.

“No need.” I stop them and pull out my phone to my face.  I dialled Harry’s number. All of them anticipate on what will happen next. Finally, after five rings …

“Valerie?” His voice cracks up.

“HARRY!” I yell helplessly and gasp for air intensely. I felt six pairs of eyes start to look at me intently in confusion. “Help me! I’ve been kidnapped!” I finish off, and then hung up.

“What was that about?” Eleanor exclaimed.

“Ssshh!” I rebuked her and open the camera of my phone. I turn around and focus it to the outside of our cabin. Then I started counting down excitedly, “Three… two… one.”

Then we all spotted Harry rushing outside of our cabin, still wearing the nightgown that I put on him with his face all covered up with make-up. He halts as he sees us right in front of him. The boys, Perrie and Eleanor were all startled at the sight.

“Good Morning, Babe!” I greeted enthusiastically and take a quick shot of him.

Louis spits out his coffee and yell, “You look so divine, Hazza Bear! Would you look at that?” Then everyone burst out laughing except for Harry who feels humiliated when he realized what he was wearing that made us all laugh hysterically.

“VALERIEEEE!” He yells furiously, stretching my name out of disappointment.

“Yes, Miss Cruela De Ville?” I slur mockingly.

“You won’t get away with this.” He threatens under his breath, looking straight at me dreadfully. He gets back inside the cabin looking so pissed.

“Can’t beat the classic.” Liam chuckles and pats the back of my shoulder.


Later in the afternoon, everything is pretty much calm. I expected a prank from Harry but nothing comes. I am pretty much in the game. I don’t care if he puts spices or detox in my food, plant a bucket of slime as I enter our cabin, all of which I already did to him, anything old-school. He’s way unoriginal when it comes to pranking.

The boys are all playing billiards while I stayed with El and Perrie in the gazebo, just chilling while we have nothing else to do. The breeze of the sea is so fresh; we can’t help but enjoy it.

“Has he already talked to you?” El asks concernedly.

“Who? Harry?” My brows furrow and I lean my head to the back of the recliner. “Nope, not yet.” I sigh.

“Well, you’re lucky to have a boyfriend who’ll not get mad after being humiliated like that by his girlfriend.” Perrie admonished.

“Perrie, relax.” I suggested. “I know he’s mad at me. Certainly, he’s planning to get even. So, don’t worry.”

“You’re going to wait until he pranks you back?” El cries out, wide-eyed.

“Are you two really dating or just playmates?” Perrie interrogated,botheredly.

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