23: Was It Something I Said?

Start from the beginning

" You can't change my mind Joe," I warned sticking my chin out in defiance "Even if I have to take you back to London with me with your nasty hangover and your shabby pyjamas."

"Hey, I'll have you know that I rock the morning after hangover look."

Damn right you do.

"shut up," I scolded my dark desires. A car honked outside, signalling me that the taxi was here; If they were anything like the taxis in London they did not wait, so I gently pushed Joe to the side and pulled open the door, the warm breeze waking me slightly. I dragged my bags out and waved at the taxi driver, who smiled shyly and waved back. I turned to say goodbye and close the door, but instead hit into Joe's chest, now covered in a hoodie and wearing his white converse, and he grunted a slight shock of pain before walking towards the car.

"Joe what are you doing?" I flushed, jogging up to him as he grabbed my suitcase and opened the boot. He turned and smiled, although his shocking blue eyes didn't match his expression.

"If you're not gonna tell me the real reason why you are going then the least I'm going to do is make sure you get on the plane safely." And before I could even protest, he opened the door and gently pushed me inside the car. His fingers brushed against the bare skin of my back where my shirt rode up and it sent waves of sour electricity. I hated that he made me feel like this and I shook off his hands irritably, trying to block the look of hurt that flashed across his face. After a slam of the door we were driving through the streets.

"Honestly Joe I'm fine, you don't have to come with me," I reassured, trying to catch his eye but not succeeding and my emotions got the better of me. Joseph turned and scowled, his mouth in a emotionless line. I knew he didn't believe me, hell, I didn't believe myself. So instead for the 20 minute drive we sat in silence, Joe yawning occasionally and me picking at my purple nail varnish, thoughts swirling around my head like bubbles in a bath. He was angry at me. I couldn't believe that out of the two of us, he was the angry one right now. I get that though, I'm leaving four days early and i'm not telling him the real reason why, but If he knew the real reason then this would be a whole lot worse.

I'd much rather him be angry at me than feel sorry for me.

Once we finally got to the airport I smiled and thanked the driver, who had been so nice and I tipped him and extra tenner, before pulling out the bags and starting to jog through the airport. Joe followed, easily keeping up as I huffed slightly. To be honest, I don't know why I was running, my plane wasn't for another hour and a bit, but I just needed to get as far away from him as possible. It was when I was about to go through security he pulled me over into a corner, away from everyone else and into the shadows. He then turned, his eyes wide and surprisingly glassy, as if he was about to cry.

"Robin, please tell me what's wrong," he begged.

I shook my head. He groaned in frustration and pulled me into a hug, his chin resting on my head as I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. "You're such a dork!" I laughed tearfully, muffled into his jumper, as he dug into me slightly in the sides, laughing as I wriggled out of his grip.

"You would tell me if it was something I had done right?" He asked, "I would hate to know that I am the reason that you're going home early."

That surprised me, because although he didn't know he had got it right. I was leaving to get away from him, to not have to see his face or hear his laugh or think what if. It touched me though, that he was that concerned. But the feelings that were behind his concerns were ones that I didn't want directed towards me.

"Of course it's not to do with you Joe," I whispered, locking my hand with his to try and sooth him. "You could never hurt me."

And although that was a lie, I felt my heart melt as he smiled with relief, fear being cast away from his face. And I knew that if I could make him look like that for the rest of his life, I would lie until I was blue in the face and my heart was jet black, so long as he never looked that sad towards me again.

The line was getting bigger now, and if I didn't go I would risk not getting on my flight. I picked up my camera bag and hoisted it over my shoulder, before looking at my friend one more time. I wasn't going to see him now for three weeks, and it was going to be odd. From seeing each other every day for the past month to not seeing each other at all, I know it's going to feel like I've forgotten something or a piece of me is slightly broken or missing. He must've felt the same, because he pulled me in one last time and lightly kissed my forehead, his lips cold against my slightly hot skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it while it lasted. A tear fell but i wiped it away. He couldn't see me cry.

"I'll see you back in London then Nando's Girl," he smiled, and he squeezed my fingers one last time, before he jogged away, dodging between people back out into the sunshine. I watched him go, and wish that I could banish this feeling of abandonment from my heart.



I hope everyone is okay. I know I said that i would upload last week but wattpad was a meanie and deleted this whole chapter, meaning I had to rewrite this one last night as I've been so busy. I went to Alton towers on Friday and it was so much fun! I went on the Smiler twice and Nemesis and Oblivion and a bunch of other stuff and I had so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I constantly felt like I had drunken the biggest cup of Starbucks coffee. Also, the guy I said I liked i don't actually like. I liked the idea of liking someone, and he's one of my best friends. However he asked out my best friend on that trip, but she said no, so that was really awkward. ANYWAY I hope everyone is having a good week and that most of your exams are over.

I ALSO WANT TO SAY A HUGE THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME AND I LOVE YOU ALL AND WHEN I FOUND OUT I ACTUALLY NEARLY CRIED I WAS SO HAPPY! we are even closer to my goal now of 1000 reads and it makes me so ecstatic you have no idea. Please vote and comment, love replying to you guys and it makes all the time worth it. I've already started writing the next chapter so that should be up soon if I don't get writers block again.😂

Also shoutout to DeeDallaway for spamming me with votes, my iPod seemed to freak out and it made my day so thank you and I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much X


p.s after this is done, would you read more of my stuff? I have an idea for a HUGE Joe Sugg fanfiction so I was wondering if you would be interested in that.

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