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"Luuuuuushee!" A certain pinkette barged in through the doors of the busy guild. Looking for a certain blonde-haired mage, he found her sitting on her usual spot at the counter talking to the demoness.

"Hey Luce! I've been looking for you." Natsu said as he approached Lucy who was drinking her usual stawberry milk shake.

"What is it? We just finished a job, you know?"

"It's not about that," Natsu scratched the back of his head. "Let's go on a date!"

The guild suddenly became quiet at Natsu's outburst. Lucy was blushing so hard and Mira was smiling creepily.

"Ara. Natsu's asking you out on a date, Lucy." Mira piped while wiping the counter top.

Heaving a sigh, Lucy composed herself as she tried to form some coherent words. "N-natsu, do you even know what a d-date means?"

Natsu pondered deeply before casually replying, "A dinner at a restaurant! Or some other place. At least that was what Lissana told me."

Lucy sweat-dropped upon hearing Natsu's answer. Typical Natsu Dragneel.

"Y'know, you could have just said 'eating out' instead of 'date'." Lucy said, disappointed a bit.

"Eh? But eating out would mean us paying individually. In dates, boys should pay for the meals and whatsoever. And I'm paying whether you like or not."

"He liiiiiikes you." Mira rolled her tongue and a blushing Lucy sent her a glare.

"Fine. I'll meet you later at 7. Dress nicely." Lucy sighed, trying to hide the prominent blush on her cheeks.

"You liiiiiiike him back!" Mira sang. And before Lucy could kill her, she decided to go inside the guild's kitchen.

"She's such a sly demoness." Lucy tsked, muttering under her breath.

"Great! I'll go to your apartment later." And with that, Natsu was off to who-knows-where.

After Natsu left, the guild erupted in cheers. People were praising Natsu and teasing Lucy.

"Lu-chan! I'm so happy for you!" A blunette hugged Lucy from behind.

"L-levy-chan! What do you mean by that? It's just a d-dinner with him." Lucy mumbled out the last words.

"I can't believe Natsu had it in him. I'm so proud." Erza swung her sword and pointed it to where Natsu dashed off. Gray was nodding, (suprisingly) agreeing to what Erza said.

Lucy stood up after she finished her drink and headed out. On the way, though, she was showered with 'good lucks' and 'I'm happy for yous' which earned a sweat-drop from Lucy.

A Date?!: Nalu OSWhere stories live. Discover now