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long chapter!

"Peej!" Dan yelled across the hallway.
It was lunch period.
Dan's favorite part of the day.
And to be honest, the only subject he was good at.

"Hey Dan!" Peej said, followed by our other friend; Chris.

Chris and I weren't that close. But we were friends.

"Peej! Guess what?"

"What did you do now, Howell?"

"I bumped into Phil in the hallway!"

"Did you hook up in the bathroom?" Chris butted in.

I rolled my eyes at that.
"No Chris. That's something YOU would do."

He winked at me and nodded.

"What did he say?" Peej asked.

"He said sorry. But he stuttered. Like he was scared."

"Really? That's why he's always quiet in Maths. Just like you, what a perfect couple."

"Let's no get our hopes up." I muttered.

"Chris! Peej! Howell!" Our other friend, Cat said as she sat down.

"Hello Kitty." Chris said.

"Chris, your lip is swollen." Cat mentioned while observing his face.

"Yeah. All the sucking the dicks, y'know."

"Oh my god Chris!"

"Kidding, I did the Kylie Jenner lip challenge with a pepsi bottle cap."

"Are you fucking serious." Peej said while laughing.

We finally got lunch. Pizza, my favorite. The rest of the Lunch Period was silent. We all concentrated on eating our food, without any interruptions. This took place almost every day.
Maths was next.
I had two feelings.

A "What if Phil hates me" feeling
and a
"What if Phil wants to get to know me" feeling.
Every step I took only made it worse. I eventually walked in Maths with Peej and sat down.

The bell rang as Phil walked in.
He looked upset.

"Do you have a pass, Lester?" My teacher, Mr. Wentz, asked.

"No. I was one second late. I don't need a freaking pass."

"Fine, I'll let this one slide. But the next time you're not in your seat when the bell rings, you should be expecting a referral."

"Yes, Mr. Wentz." Phil muttered as he took a seat in the back of the classroom.

"Daan. Quit staring." Peej whispered to me.

I flipped him off and returned my attention to the teacher. At the end if class, I found a small note on my desk. Inside it, had a number. As I walked to fifth period, I dialed the number in my cell phone, then texted the anonymous number.

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