17: Let Me Let You Go

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Chapter Say The Name! SEVENTEEN! :)

"Whoa. This park is so nice!" I cheered as I run my fingers to a metal rod.

Joshua chuckled behind me as I went towards the swing that came out of nowhere.

"I'm glad that you liked it." He said from behind.

"Are you kidding me?! I am loving this place! It's so cute!" I cheered as I sat on one swing and grabbed the rope.

"I thought of you when I came across this place while I was on my way." He said smiling as he sat on the swing on the left beside mine.

I smiled at the thought as I slowly swing myself in the air, also him.

"Right then, I knew you'd love this place, that's why I decided to bring you here instead of just sitting and driking coffee there at that coffee shop, doing nothing." He chuckled as he continue talking.

I chuckled with him, "You really know that I love cute stuffs."

He faced me and just smiled.

I looked away, up then down then to the right, because if I didn't, MAN! I would be water if I were an ice cube because of his stare.

Well, who wouldn't melt when his pair of lovely shining eyes is staring at you?!


I changed my focus to the surrounding. The park was so friendly to the eyes. It's calming and very neat. The design is so childish but I love it! Cute stuffs are my weakness. I love this so much. I never thought he'd remember that I'd love this.

We were silent for a while but thankfully it wasn't an awkward silence.

We were enjoying watching the children run tag and playing engineers on the sand box.

"I've noticed, you changed your hairstyle." He suddenly said.

"Oh this?" I said as I grabbed a few strands of my hair.

"Yeah. I went to change it just this morning with -- Uh, a friend." I said.

I don't know why but I don't want Joshua to know that I'm staying at the same roof with Hoshi right now.

Maybe because I don't want him to misunderstand?

Or maybe it's not yet the right time?

Or maybe I'm just too lazy to tell him about it and just let them figure it out by themselves. Haha

"Red suits you." He said as he stared at me, observing my face.

I felt awkward so I swing slowly to hide it.

"It really brings out your true beauty." He suddenly said as he looked down smiling like he was embarrassed making my heart skipped a beat.

Wow. He's the one to get embarrassed now?

I could really feel myself turn red. I looked down and continued swinging to hide the possible blush on my cheeks.

"T-thanks." was the only response I could think of.

"B-by the way, where are you staying? Hotel?" I asked to change the subject.

"Nope. I'm staying at a friend's house for the meantime. I'll let you meet him one day." He said.

I was hesitant but I ask him anyway, "What's his name?"

He looked at me with a confused look. "Why?"

"I just want to know."

He smiled.

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