Chapter 9:To hell we go

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3rd person's p.o.v
They searched and searched but found no hope, so they went to the Mukamis to seek help although they didn't want to.
Knock, knock, knock!
The Mukamis were in the living room doing their stuff when they heard the knock.
"Who could that be at this hour?"asked Yuma.
"Azusa, go check the door."said Ruki.
"Yes...Ruki..."Azusa said and teleported to the door.
"Azusa, is everyone here?"
"Yes, everyone's here. What do you want, Sakamaki?"asked Ruki who appeared out of nowhere with the others.
"I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but...we need to talk, it's important"said Reiji pushing his glasses.
Ruki observed them for a while and invited them in.

"Oh Yoshi~wake up~"
Yoshi groaned and woke up, she tried moving her hands but she couldn't, instead she heard the sound of chains rattling. Her eyes shoot open almost immediately and looked at her surrounding. She was in a place, brighten up with only some candles, the place looks old and eerie and she was chained to the wall.
'Where am I?'Yoshi though to herself.
"Yoshi-chan, like what you see?" A voice interrupted her thought.
"This voice, Kiyo!"
"Eh~Yoshi-chan, how can it was me just by my voice?"
"Your voice is too easy to recognize."
"Eh~"Kiyo said while coming into view.
"Kiyo, what are you doing?"asked Yoshi while rattling the chains.
"I'm kidnapping you, of course~"
"Because you have something I need"
"Hehe~Dhampir blood~The blood in you is so valuable that vampire hunters would die to get just a drop of your blood."
"Your blood, Yoshi, contains the power to change the world. A person who drinks your blood under the 6666th midnight full moon after the person's birth can control the four elements of Earth as well as the demon world and will be immune to all sicknesses and supernatural abilities."
"So, why me?"
"Because, Yoshi....Dhampirs are rare~And you my poor child happens to stumble upon a vampire who had yearned to kill the Vampire King and control the demon world for centuries and now, I finally got the chance *smirk"
After he finished his sentence, Yoshi tried kicking him in the face but failed.
"YOU ASSHOLE!"Yoshi shouted and he laughed.
"It's almost time, my dear~Fall in a deep slumber in me as I take over the world. Or in other words, die! hahahaha!" Kiyo said and laughed.
"Onii-chan, help me!" Yoshi thought to herself.
"Come the time is up, sleep tight my dear~"Kiyo said and blew smoke at her face again making her unconscious.
Then, he hung her on a huge stone slab on a cliff and and cut her wrists allowing her blood to drip into a cup, he was already tasting the blood on the knife as vampires crave for blood more during a full moon.
"Hmm, so tasty~"he said while his eyes turned red and was filled with lust. The blood dripped from his chin and he licked it up...

"Tsk!Where the hell can they have gone?" asked Ya while punching the tree beside him.
They have been trying to search for her for almost 3 hours but they had no luck.
"Wait." Shuu suddenly said and they all turned towards him.
"Do you guys smell that?"he asked.
They sniffed the air trying to figure out what he meant.
"This is-"
"Yoshi's scent!" They all said in unison and followed the scent towards Yoshi.
"Yoshi, hang in there we're coming!" Shuu thought in his head as they ran/teleported towards Yoshi.

Drip!drip!drip!The dripping sound echoed through out the woods as the brothers rushed to save her...

Just 17mins left
They finally reached the cliff where the cabin was located and saw Kiyo facing his back towards them, licking the knife with a smirk plastered on his face and Yoshi chained to the stone slab with blood streaming down.
"Eh, you found us"a voice greeted them from behind, they turned and saw Kiyo standing behind them with the knife and with an annoyed face.
"I was hoping that you'd find us after I drank her blood and ditched her body down that cliff but I guess you guys just had to come earlier, what a pain~"he continued.
"Release Yoshi at once!" Kou shouted.
"Tsk!Guess I have to teach how to respect your future king!"he said as he snapped his finger and they were surrounded by thick smoke.
It was the 'Nightmare fog' it makes your worst nightmare come true just by inhaling it. As said, the brothers are now trapped in their nightmare.
He was in a music room, set on fire. The flame was spreading fast and was headed towards him, he has no where to go, he leaned on the wall as his eyes widen in fear and his mouth hanging open. The fire was closing in on him, the wooden roof stumbled down and was quickly engulfed in flames, the curtains was already on fire and was now a burning piece of cloth, the instruments made an annoying noise as they were consumed by the fire. The memory of the village on fire flashed in his head and he fell to the ground, letting his fear get to him, he tried fighting back but there was no hope...

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