Chapter 4: Music Room

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My p.o.v
I was sitting in the car on the way back home, puffing my cheeks with Shu sitting beside me. I need to get my phone back...I need MUSIC! And I need to apologize to Ko-nii(Kou) about what happened just now. Damn brothers...
"Shu-nii...can I..."
"But,I haven't finished..."
"I know what you're gonna say, the answer's no."
"Then, can I..."
"But, I..."
"Shu-nii, please?"
"Pretty please?"
"No means no, I'm not gonna give your phone back and I'm not letting you meet them! So, just give up, you're so noisy!"said Shu annoyed.
I puffed my cheeks again.
"I need music, no music no life!"I said to Shu while tugging on his sleeve.
"Still not giving back your phone!"Shu said much annoyed.
"Shu-nii...."I begged again.
"Shut up, don't make me angry!" Shu said with his voice raised.
I continued puffing my cheeks, remembering what happened at school just now.
I was walking to class after lecturing Laito not to be so perverted in school."Yoshi-chan, Yohoo~"a voice greeted me from behind. I turned around to find Kou standing just a few meters away from me waving his hand, I sighted and smile."Yo, Cony(Ko-nii/Kou-nii)!"I said while raising my hand and tilting it a little. "What's wrong, Yoshi-chan?" Kou asked approaching me with a worried look. "Nah, nothing's wrong." I said with a smile, Kou still gave that worried expression but soon changed into his usual cheerful self. "Nee~ Yoshi-chan, want to join Onii-chan for dinner tomorrow night? Ruki said he will make sushi specially for you if you joined. " said Kou happily. I thought about it for a while, but just as I was about to reply, a voice interrupted," She won't be joining..." I looked behind me and bumped into someone, I look up to see Shu glaring at Kou and Kou was glaring too. "Tsk, it's for Yoshi-chan to decide, not you!" Said Kou looking annoyed. "I'm her brother. So, I get to decide, not her."Shu said while pulling me behind him. "But, Shu-nii..."I said but was cut off by Shu."We're leaving."said Shu while pulling me with him,his grip tight. I was speechless, I looked at Kou and he was looking at Shu with deadly glares. When Kou was nowhere to be seen, Shu pushed me into one of the unused classrooms. I nearly fell down losing my balance, luckily the teacher's desk was there to support me. "Shu-nii, what's the meaning of this? Why can't I join them for dinner?" I asked feeling anger rushing through my veins. "Because you can't and that's an order. Also, I'm taking your phone with me, just to be sure you won't be able to contact them too."said Shu holding my phone which was supposed to be in my pocket. "When did you....Shu-nii!"I shouted feeling annoyed with him using his abilities. He just smirked and teleported out, leaving me alone in the classroom.
#flashback end

"Nfufu~If you like music that much, we can make some sweet music together bed." Laito said winking. "Huh?"I was not understanding the question, when suddenly the lightbulb hit me. "Ewe!No thanks, Mr pervy!"I rejected his offer while rolling my eyes with disgust.
"Awe~too bad"said Laito pretending to be hurt and Subaru murmured something.

After we reached home, I walked back to my room, pouting, I opened my door and closed the door shut loudly. Then, I slumped onto my bed and watched the clock... tick... tock... tick... tock... tick... tock... I read books, I drew a picture of the scenery outside my window and ...slumped back onto my bed again. GAHH!I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MUSIC!! I couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind. I took my music sheets, opened the door and walked to the music room, the only place in the mansion that produces music and the only place, meeting Shu is highest. As I walked down the hallway, I bumped into Ayato. "Oi, where are you going?"asked Ayato while watching me walk past him with heavy footsteps. "Isn't it obvious? THE MUSIC ROOM!" I replied while waving the music sheets in my hand angrily, cursing Shu. After a long walk, I finally reached the music room, I opened the door with a creak and looked inside, no one was there. I quietly walked over to the piano and sat on the chair while placing the music sheets on the 'sheet holder?'(what's the word?). Taking a deep breath, I started playing and singing 'Blank spaces-T.Swift'. After the song ended, I heard the sound of clapping coming from the door. My eyes widen, I didn't notice the presence of six vampires and a human. "Nfu~fu~fu, who knew Imouto-chan could play and sing so beautifully..."said Laito, who was leaning by the door. "Mmm...much beautiful than the other people I've heard before."said Shu, lying on the floor." It is quite amusing..."said Reiji standing by the doorway. "Yoshi-chan, it was so lovely." Said Yui smiling. "Thank you, long have you guys been here?"I asked. "Not long, from the start of the song, maybe." Replied Ayato, grinning. "Nee~Teddy would love to hear you sing again.Nee,Teddy~"Kanato said while smiling creepily. "Hehe, if Shu-nii return me my phone, I might consider." I said while looking at Shu, who had opened his eyes glaring at me. "Forget about it, I am never gonna give you back your phone." Shu said while closing his eyes. "Fine, then I'm not gonna play or sing again." I said turning my head to the side. After a long time of silence, I heard Shu sight. "Fine, I'll give you back your phone."He said with an annoyed face while handing me my precious phone. I smiled, put my fingers on the keys and started playing 'History-One Direction' while singing at the top of my voice. After the song ended, everyone went back to their rooms, satisfied and I got my phone back.Yeah!!But......whenever I use my phone they will be there watching my every move...T^T

So,how's this chapter?bad?average?good?excellent?please comment and follow me.thx
P/s: I didn't have time to edit, cause I finished this in a short period of time. ALSO, I WILL NOT be updating next week cause I'm celebrating CNY. SO, yeah! SEE YOU GUYS AT 20/2/16! Happy Chinese New Year, guysXD

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