5. The Arena

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It was still night time, and Lirian was sitting on a boulder at the edge of the river. She had found it impossible to sleep after her nightmare.

So there she was, sitting on a boulder at the edge of the river, wich flowed quietly in a soft wisper. In the camp, it was the time they changed the day-guards for the night-guards.

Everything was calm. She only heard the guards that were talking to each other without loosing the concentration of duty.
The dew was sweeping through the thicket of the trees, making the night cool. And there, Lirian discovered for the second time of her life how much she liked the sound of the river, and the moonlight on the river.

It was beautiful and filled Lirian with an immemse peace beyond her understanding.

Lirian sat there, enjoying nature and the gentle breeze that moved around gently stroking her face and hair. She was trying to remember something, anything that came to her mind. As Lirian thought about that, Siriana came and sat by her side.

  "Sister, what are you doing so far away from the others? I thought you would be sleeping at such late hours. A harsh day awaits for you tommorow. Though it wouldn't be hard if you still had your memory. But now, I don't know what to think, but we shall see tomorrow at the training." said Siriana quietly.

  "That was exactly what I was trying to remember. Anything, good or bad. The only thing I have in my head is a headache." responsed Lirian.

  "Don't worry so much and give your body time to heal. I am pretty sure that from time to time you will remember much more. You only need patince."

Lirian took this in. Patience was a virtue that little could master.

  "I hope. If I only had an object that marked my life, or that was of a high importance to me, maybe then something would come back." Lirian said.

  Siriana's face suddenly lit up. A smile appeared in her face.

  "I think I have something yours of a high importance. Before you went on your journey to the kingdom of the North, you told me to keep it safe, since you had a bad feeling about the journey. I guess your bad feeling was right. Nevertheless, come with me and I shall give it to you now." Siriana said suddenly getting up.

  Lirian nodded and started to follow Siriana to their bedrooms. The sisters passed the elf guards that greeted, not only their leaders, but also their companions.

  Once inside the camp, the guards closed the iner doors of the place. When Lirian had first arrived here, she had thought that the place was about a mile long, but now she realized that she had been off by a lot. The place was way bigger than she could have ever imagened.

  Lirian and Siriana walked in silence until they arrived at a house that was seperated from the rest. Once inside, they went up the stairs, right after passing what seemed to be the living room. On the second floor, they walked down a hallway that had many doors on both sides. They entered a room that was at the end of the hallway.

  The room was beautifully iluminated by the moonlight and the candles on the chandelier. It was simple yet beautiful. There was a hand-made bed at the far end of the room. Two crystal doors were the entry to a wide balcony, wich walls were covered with beautiful vines.

  Lirian stood in the middle of the room observing closely at the details that were awfully familiar. Siriana looked at Lirian for a second and then walked over to a big trunk made of cedar wood and ocacia.

  Siriana took out an object that was covered in a black and shiny cloth with golden threads that tied it.

  "I hope you find everything like you left it, but I shall tell you nothing more so you find your things by yourself, since this is your room. My room is at the other side of the hallway. I shall leave you now. We shall see each other tomorrow in the morning. Please Lirian, try to get a good night sleep." said Siriana as she walked towards the exit.

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