4. Made It Alive

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Their walk had been long, but according to Artemek, they were getting closer. Lirian could hear the dragon screeching close by. He was gaining on them. Artemek told her to maintain herself under the trees, that way they could hear the dragon before it reached them. Lirian could hear someone shouting orders in the distance. She could also hear a river close by. That was when she realized how thirsty she was. Her mouth was dried and it felt as if she hadn't drank water in days. Lirian was so lost in thought, that when Artemek stopped, she bumped straight into him.
"My apologies."
Lirian told him. Artemek only nodded and made his way towards Roger, who took a step back and showed a worried face.
"What are you going to do to me?" he asked looking terrified.
Artemek looked at him and pulled a black cloth from under his armor.
"You are not trustful, so I have to forbid you any knowledge until you prove yourself to be worthy."
Roger laughed in disbelief.
"What? You can not be serious. I am trusful."
Artemek raised an eyebrow and said;
"You are a prisoner, who escaped a Center of Execution. And by what I am hearing, you know a lot of classified information. Why am I to trust you?"

Roger inhaled and exhaled roughly. He looked at Lirian, who was looking at him suspiciously.

"I refuse to have my eyes covered."
Roger said, hoping Artemek would give up.
Luck was not by his side. Lirian raised an eyebrow and looked at Roger, like if she was trying to see through him.
"Either that, or we leave you here. And if you were to follow us, even with a white flag, the archers will kill you."
Roger blinked, then blinked again. He was in a life or death situation, and the options he had to choose, well, both of them leaded to death.
"I think the first option is better."
He decided to say.
Artemek went towards him and covered Roger's eyes, making sure he could see nothing. Then Artemek grabbed him by the shoulder and moved on, Lirian was right behind them. The sound of the river was getting louder and more sunlight seemed to be wanting to reach them. They had to go through a wall of bushes, wich Lirian almost immediately hated. She got a hairful and mouthful of leaves. She spit the leaves out as soon as they were out of the wall of bushes. Soon, it struck Lirian that they were right in front of a colossal wooden door, surrounded by wooden walls. Built within the walls were two towers, one of each side of the entrance. Four archers were on each tower, and all of them were aiming at Lirian, Roger, and Artemek.
Suddenly they put their weapons down, and the door started opening inwards, with no creaking or screeching.
A women was standing in the entrance. Her hair was completely black and very long. She had heavy armor, but she didn't seem bothered by it. She was approximately the same size as Lirian and had black eyes. Her sword was in one hand, and a dagger in the other. Her face was showing hatred and anger. But when she realized who was standing in front of her, she put her weapons away and showed a face of love and hospitality. Lirian could see she was also an elf. The women started walking towards Artemek and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back too. She was strong, and that could be seen, at least Lirian realized it. She looked so fragile and thin right now, but she hadn't looked like that when she had her weapons in her hands.
The women went and hugged Lirian, almost squeezing out her soul.
"My sister! You are safe and sound at our home. I am highly thankful to the Lord." the women said.

Sister? Lirian thought. Then it struck her. Standing in front of her was Siriana, leader of the camp of Exciles, and most important of all, her sister.
Siriana suddenly took Lirian by the shoulders and said;

"What troubles you my sister? Your eyes are blank."

That's when Artemek walks over to Siriana and says;

"My dear, Liri has forgotten everything. Her fall was harsh and she has a bit of brain damge, wich will heal."

Siriana looked at her deep in the eyes.
"Do you hear me?"
she heard in her mind.
Lirian nodded. Siriana hugged her harder and said in her mind;

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