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Lirian could feel the horse's hooves hitting the ground. Even asleep her senses were awake. She could feel her surroundings moving quickly. Slowly, the sound awoke her. She tried to open her eyes but felt a great pain.
With a lot of effort, her eyes opened, the light almost blinding her. She tried to move her hands and realized they were tied in front of her. In an instant she was up. It was two things that weren't right.
Lirian realized that she was in a carrige without a roof. Only the bars that had dangerous points were left. The tips were filled with blood. Blood that looked old and dried, and blood that looked as if had been recently poured on.
Tied to each side were benches so the men that surrounded her could sit. All of them had their hands tied with ropes made out of leather.
Badly made wooden boards hanged from their necks. The boards were medium sized and said their names. Her board said:
Prisoner: 148
Lirian Venevyle
'What have I done to be a prisoner.' She thought. Lirian tried to remember and cursed luck. Her luck was so good that she found out that her mind was blank. Lirian only knew her name thanks to the board. Other than that, she didn't remember anything. She didn't know from where had she been born, much less who she was.
Millions of questions filled her brain. Panic started building up inside of her. Not knowing was her weakness. And that, she did remember. 'How old am I? For what reason are they taking me to a place that is possibly jail?' Lirian thought. The panic grew deeper in her chest.
Her heart started to beat faster. Fear started taking over her senses. Her mind couldn't think strait anymore. Her breathing got faster. She was taking short breaths at a dangerous speed. She had to break free. Desperation filled her mind. She was going to jump. She was sure of it. She was going to jump and make a run for her life. It wasn't going to be easy.
She had the disadvantage of having her hands tied, and the carrige was in movement, but it could be done. Lirian started to position herself to jump, when a man suddenly talked to her.
"It isn't a good idea young lady. Many have done it before you, and haven't survived more than a few seconds after jumping."
The voice made Lirian sit down. She looked for the man that had talked to her, and soon found out it had been the man in front.
He had his hair down to his shoulders. His eyes were black like his eyebrows. His hair was also black and he had a beard that went down to his chest. His cloth was made out of buffalo skin. The sleeves were short and ripped up. His legs had long scars and one of his ankles was bleeding. His shoes had holes in them and looked very old. His shirt was opened in a V form all the way down to his belly button, revealing his harry chest. His eyes showed fury and sadness. The look she would never trust. After analizing the man closely, Lirian decided to talk:
"What do you mean, not having survived?"
He let out a grin and said:
"So you do talk. Nice meeting you sleeping beauty. My name is Roger, and like you, I'm a prisoner."
Lirian didn't remember much of herself, but she knew she didn't like people who didn't answer her questions and made jokes out of everything.
She asked him the same thing, but this time with a deeper and angrier voice.
"What do you mean, not having survived?"
Roger's smile faded and his face darkened.
Lirian hopes he understood that she wasn't joking about being tied up. All her fear was suddenly overcome by anger.
"I don't desire to talk about this on my last day above the earth's surface, but alright. Two stops after picking you up, this carriage was filled with prisoners, all of them men. Now, it's practically empty."
Roger waited for me to say something, but since I didn't move, he kept on talking.
"The prisoners started jumping off like crazy. The ones that survived the fall thought they were free. But mounted soilders came out of the nowhere and killed each of them. Their heads were cut right off. And, you see this cut here?" he said showing his bleeding ankle, " To calm us, who were also about to jump, the soldier sitting there," he pointed with his head to a soldier sitting at the front of the benches, "he wipped us. He looks young, but he's fast."
Roger only mentioned the men. That meant there was no women before her. And there was only one now, and that was her.
"Where did they find me?" She asked. This time, Roger didn't wait much before answering.
"You were unconscious next to a waterfall. From the looks of it, you had fallen from the top. We don't know what happened, but I guess you jumped before being smashed into pieces along with your carrige in the middle of the waterfall. The soldiers said it was a miracle you didn't die. They were going to leave you there since your a women. They leave them free in the town to use them as prostitutes. But one of the guards noticed you were an elf. Your species is against the king and they've got a high price for you heads. So your chances of surviving today are no higher than zero."
That explained why she couldn't remember anything. Because of her great fall. And it also explained why she was the only women onboard.
Lirian tried to remember what elves were, and why they were against the king but, as soon as she began to think, her head started spining. Strange simbols repeated themselves again and again. She heard voices, screams, the clattering off swords, and she also heard laughter. Deep laughter that just got her dizzier than she already was. For a second she couldn't tell where was up and where was down. Her vision was a blur, and then it turned the colour of lime green. She heard silence, and then slammed on the floor. She felt blood in her mouth and realized she had bitten her upper lip. She also felt blood coming out her nose. Two strong hands pulled her up and sat her back on her seat.
"Are you alright prisoner?"
When Lirian looked, it was the blond soldier Roger had pointed out earlier. Coldness shot quickly through her body.
'I wonder what the hell that green vision was.' Lirian thought.
The soldier still awaited her answer.
"Yes, I'm fine, and my name is not prisoner. My name is Lirian."
The soldier started talking, while Lirian inspected him.
He looked young. Possibly 21 or 22. He was blond and had blue eyes. His armor didn't protect him a lot. His boots were of a low quality and looked burned.
"Freshmen?" Lirian asked him to clear her curiosity.
"Yes." He answered in a strange voice.
That explained why he had poor uniform. By the looks of it, it depends on what rank you are to recive a good quality of uniform. The soldier started talking and Lirian looked away.
Roger caught her attention. He signalled the soldier with his tied hands, and then put them close to his face. He meant the guard was too close and he was right.
As the soldier kept on talking, Lirian turned her attention to the nature around her. The trees here looked more withered than the others. No more birds were singing and the sky had gotten darker. Lirian focused so much that she saw the hidden mounted soldiers among the trees. There were six in total. Three on each side.
The sky in that area looked so familiar. Yet she couldn't recall where she had seen it. Wich was nothing strange cause she also couldn't recall how old she was.
Soon Lirian learned that when a soldier is talking, you have to pay attention. If not, they get jelous. She knew this cause the minute she looked away from the guard to think, a strong hand grabbed her chin forcing her too look at him.
"You know prisoner, if I like you, you have a chance to survive? Don't you want to take it? " He asked her, his eyes small and crazy.
"I won't take it." Lirian said in a muffled voice.
The soldier laughed. Then he said:
"You don't get, it do you? You have no other choice."
Lirian felt the coldness inside of her starting to turn into fire her vision got green again. An expression of disgust appeared in Lirian's face.
"Take your hands off me!" She said with rage.
The soldier started to laugh and began coming closer to Lirian's mouth. She was not going to let an abusive, stupid guard kiss or abuse her. Her chin started to hurt. His fingers were strong. She tried to move her hands but he holded them with his other hand.
He said between hand grasps. Lirian exploded with anger and got the strength to get out of blond guards grasp.
With her tied hands she punshed him with all her might in the face. He fell backwards on the floor. He got up and immediately sat at his place.
Roger chuckled. The rest of the men also smiled. Lirian let out an evil and small smile. It looked like she was the first one to make the guard sit down. Lirian was alert. She wasn't going to let any violent, blood thristy guard kiss her whenever it came out of their stupid head. The fact that she was going to be the only woman in the middle of lots of guards like this one was not so pleasant. But she was going to have to face it and be ready for the worst.
Suddenly the guard stood up, looking aggressive. He put a smile on his face. His whip was in one hand.......and he was looking dirrectly at her.

~ What doesn't destroy you makes you stronger~ Ari

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