Chapter 5: Answers

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"Um where are we?" I say hoping not to be shushed again.

Finally someone speaks up. It was the blond girl. She was really petite, skinny, and looked about my age.

"We're in the middle of nowhere pretty much" she says in a whisper.


I say disappointed. Their is two other girls. Both brunettes. But one looks about 16 and the other one looks 13. The younger brunette has super long hair.

"Well.. Uh what's you guy's names?"
I say stupidly, just to keep the conversation going. The blond is the first to speak.

"Brynn" she says in a soft delicate voice.

"Kalani" says the older blonde.

And well her name is Kendall. She doesn't really talk much. Brynn tells me. Kendall looks really depressed. Her hair has grown extremely long. I can see the fear of this place in her eyes.

"So how do we escape?" I ask.

"Well everyday at 4:30 pm Maxwell, our kidnapper leaves to go with friends and comes back at 5:00 pm sharp.  Upstairs their is a back door that leads to a trail in the woods. But farther along theirs a neighborhood. If we can get upstairs and get farther out in the woods we might make i-". That's when kalani was stopped in the middle of her sentence by the opening of a door.

" I guess you just don't get?" A deep voice says sternly,
"Because if you even try escape you already know what's going to happen"
Maxwell says with a smirk. 

"And since you want to cross me I'll show you want happens, come upstairs Kalani" Maxwell says.
   Once Kalani heads upstairs we here a loud scream then a loud bang on the floor. Then the door opens. We here loud thumps on the steps. Then we're all horrified by what we see. Maxwell comes down holding Kalani's body. Blood dripping from her head.

"Now do any of you want to cross me? I just want you to know that you guys aren't going anywhere!" Maxwell says and then takes Kalani's bloody body back upstairs.

⭐️Hey guys! Sorry about this being
such a short chapter! But I promise the next one will be longer and better!😌

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