The Evolution of Her to Him

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The little boy, not over the age of 6, watched as his neighbor, Natalia, walk to the high school thirty minutes before she usually did. He thought she wouldn't mind if he stopped her.

He ran out of the house, yelling before he left, that he was going to say something to Natalia.

"Nat!" He said running to catch up to her.

She turned around smiling, already knowing who said her nickname. "Hiya, kiddo," she said ruffling his sandy brown hair, that everyone seemed to always put their attention to first. "What is it you want?" She asked. Natalia always spoke like she was ready to speak to the Queen of England.

"Why are you leaving early?" He answered with a question.

She smiled softly. "I'm going to meet up with a friend at school," she said.

"Oh. Why are you wearing a hat?" He asked, knowing all too well that school didn't allow hats.

"This old thing?" She said pointing to her hat and looking at him with a smirk. "It's to prove to boys at school that girls can wear baseball caps as well."

He nodded as if he understood her, when really he was thinking about how he wished he could wear his favorite Spider-Man cap to school. "Okay!" He exclaimed. "I got to go change out of my pj's now. Bye!" He said running back home while waving.

Natalia grinned and waved back.


The next week, he sees her walking down the street early again, but this time something's different.

He runs out of the house, yelling the same thing he yelled the week before to his mom, and ran up to her.

This time, she didn't have a hat. She had no hair. Well, she had hair, but it was just short. Like a boys. There was also another boy walking next her. He looked like one of the boys his older sister, who's in college, used to gush over and bring home for dinner.

He looks up at Natalia and stares.

She smiles softly at him. "Do you like it? I think it looks lovely on me."

He stares a little more and then a look of confusion crosses over his face. "But you're a girl. Girls can't have short hair." He didn't say it insultingly. He was just confused.

She squatted down next to him. "Well, girls can have short hair too. Just like boys can have long hair." She smiled up at the boy who was next to her. He smiled back. The little boy just watches.

"Okay. I get it," he says. "Oh! That's cool! But now you can't have pretty braids in your hair," he said pouting.

All Natalia does is laugh, and stands up.

"See you later, kiddo."


The next day, the little boy doesn't have any school, and so doesn't Natalia. He walks over to her house and knocks on the door.

She opens the door and looks down.

He notices something different...

"Nat?" He asks.

"Yes," she answers.

"Where are you're..." he trails off, looks around, and whispers, "you're boobies."

She laughs. "They're still there, I just put duck tape around them so it looks like they're not there."

"Why?" He asks, genuinely confused.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She whispers leaning in close.

He nods his head. "I can keeps a secret."

Natalia laughs at the grammar mistake he makes. She leans down close to his ear and whispers, "I don't like boobies so I choose not to have them." She leans away and sees that he has look of fascination on his face.

"You can do that?!" He asks in a loud whisper.

"Of course you can!" She says laughing out loud. "You can do whatever you want to your body, as long as you like it. The same goes with clothes, as you can tell since I am wearing boys clothes," she explains with a smile.

"Cool. Can we play that game? You know, the one where you pretend to be the mouse and I pretend to be the cat and I chase you around?" He asks looking up at her.

"Why not?" She says with amusement in her eyes. "Try to catch me!" She exclaimed while running past the boy and into his big backyard that was full of toys or all sizes.

"Not fair!" He yells, running after her.


The next time he sees her about a month later, he doesn't recognize her.

It was the weekend, so he went over to Natalia's house, to go play.

When he knocks on the door, instead of Natalia answering, a boy who looks similar to Natalia answers.

He looks up at him confused. "Who are you? You're not Natalia."

The boy, or should I say man (more of a feminine man), laughs softly at the boys confusion.

"No, I'm not Natalia. I USED to be Natalia. Now I am Nat," he answers with a soft smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"No you are not. Natalia is a girl," the boy replies with confusion.

"Remember when I said that you could do whatever you want to your body, as long as it makes you happy? Also, when I said that you can wear whatever kind of clothes you want to wear, as long as you like them?" He nods. "The same goes to whatever gender you are. Boy or girl. Some people happen to be born into the body that they don't like. That happened to me. I was born in a girls body, and I didn't enjoy that. I didn't feel right. The day I wore a hat. You remember that day? Well, I was actually wearing it because I wanted to put my hair in it. I didn't like my long hair, so I put it up into the hat. I did that everyday for a week before I cut my hair," Nat explains to him.

Nat lets the little boy think of the words he just said.

"Nat?" The little boy says.

"Yes?" He answers.

"I think you look lovely as a boy."


This has got to be the most I've written in my entire life, and this is only about 1,000 words.

Yes I got inspired by someone to write this.

Yes  I may or may not have stole the whole  girl-to-boy-evolution-through-someone-else-eyes from someone. I didn't  steal the whole concept though. Like I changed most of it. Like the  name, the person who is watching this whole thing take place, and  basically the whole story.

Anyways, I'm pretty proud of it so YOU CAN'T JUDGE IT!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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