Why You Should Keep A Secret

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There were two kingdoms in the far away world. They were not different other than the fact they did not accept each others methods of running a kingdom. The government of the kingdoms has decided that no kingdom was allowed to have contact with each other so to not start a war.

The kingdom of Sphere was a mighty and brawn kingdom full of strong and wealthy men. Women were not allowed to become as wealthy as men. They are only allowed to marry into wealth or be apart of the royal family. Women were considered fragile slaves in this kingdom. All men were allowed to become as wealthy as they liked but women got no such freedom.

The kingdom of Phree was also a mighty kingdom, however, it was full of strong and wealthy women. Women were considered to be the strongest and have a connection to the gods. Men were also respected but were not as respected as women. Men were allowed to become wealthy. Men were simply not allowed to have a higher status then the royal family. Men were also not allowed to be apart of the government.

The princess of Sphere decided that it was time for this cold war to end. She talked secretly with the prince of Phree, to have a marriage. This way both kingdoms will see that women AND men are no different from each other.

The prince told the princess to not tell a single soul about their marriage until it was over. So then they could speak with the governments to change the laws.

But, of course, the princess told someone about the marriage. Her most trusted servant, Lady Meredeth.

But, of course, Lady Meredeth told her closet friend about the secret marriage.

That is when that friend told everyone at the palace.

It eventually reached the government in exactly five hours.

The government thought of only one solution.

Kill the princess.

When the government had executed the princess and word got out, the kingdom was furious.

But the kingdom was told that the kingdom of Phree was responsible for their beloved princess. The kingdom was outraged.

They attacked the kingdom of Phree against the governments wishes and all died. The kingdom of Phree was completely wiped out, nothing left to be found.

There was no evidence of there even being a kingdom in the first place.



Um... so yeah.

This sucked but I felt kind of down and needed something to write.

I was going to edit this but it was boring.

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