Can't See Beauty

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"Mommy?" The 7 year old girl said.

"Yes, child?" the woman replied while setting down her knitting set. She was attempting to knit a sweater for her friend, Beatrice, who lived across the street.

"Can you tell me what I look like again?" The young girl asked.

The woman picked up the girl and sat her down on her lap.

"Well... you have red, curly hair. Not orange-red, but more like a fiery red," she explained while running her hand through the young girls hair. "You have a cute button nose," she tapped the girl's nose and she giggled, "and also blue eyes."

"Hmm... What does red look like?" The girl asked.

"Red means strength, and it feels smooth. It's glossy, but not too glossy. It's also so shiny that you could see your beautiful reflection in it," the mother answered, while beginning to braid the young girl's hair.

"What does beautiful look like?" She asked.

"Beautiful is what you think it is. Nobody can decide what it is but you," the mother said.

There was a pause.

"What is beautiful to you, Mama?"

"Let's see... well... beautiful is the noise waves make when they crash onto the shore. Beautiful is when the birds are chirping, early in the morning, when the sun is just beginning to rise. That is my definition on beautiful," the woman concluded.

Another pause.

"Am I beautiful?" The girl asked.

The woman frowned.

"Yes you are very beautiful."

"Even if I cannot see?" She asked.

"Darling, even if you can't see, it doesn't mean you aren't beautiful. Yes, it may be a little tough to do what the other kids at your school do. But, you always see the best in people, because you can't see. You don't ever judge kids by how they look, or how they act. Remember when you told me that you thought the girl Lily seems like she has a kindred soul? Well, not all people can see that. They always look at people's appearence before anything else. I do as well. What is beautiful is that you always see true beauty."

The girl smiled. A big, wide smile.

"What do I look like again?" The child asked, not looking directly at the woman, but trying to find her voice. Her eyes were always glazed over, and sometimes the mother feared she may be dead. But then there's sometimes that glint of blue in her eyes, which is why the mother always says that blue is the color of the girl's eyes.



I'm not even going to proof read this like it might be so sucky. Anyways, I once read a fanfiction where the girl was blind and the guy always reasured her she was beautiful or something like that. I don't know. But I remember it being one of my favorites. Also, I think the girl who wrote it, Deleted her account and now I have no clue what happened to her :(

I wonder if anyone ever reads this... (when i say anyone, I mean like the 2 people who read these)

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