The Girl and Her Mare

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Once there was a girl who lived alone with her mom.

She had a big white mare. Everyday the girl would ride her horse out into the woods and in the big grass fields. As a warning, her mother told her everyday before she went out for a ride, "Always come back before sunset, so you don't get lost."

Every night, her mother would put up a lantern on the roof of the house so the girl would know when to go home, and could always find her way back.

One day, the girl thought to herself, "Just one more round" when the sun was starting to set and her mother put up the lantern. Now, remember, that was her cue to go home. But the girl so very much wanted to ride once more on her horse that evening.

So, she did.

And she enjoyed it very much. But, when she wanted to go home, she couldn't. She was too far.

The girl couldn't see the lantern. The girl tried looking for the lantern all night with no luck. She searched every single day, but it was no use.

She was lost.



So I dedicate this chapter to my good friend that I'm not able to talk too.

Miss you, Rose.

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