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The young man was oh so tired. Every night he had nightmares that kept him awake. He would have nightmares of her. Evangeline.

The beautiful woman of his dreams. Long brown hair. Round face. Full pink cheeks. Plump red lips.

As he was walking to their tree, he saw her. Sleeping at the base of the tree with her hair falling onto her face.

He ran up to her to wake her up. Shaking her hesitantly, as if she were to disappear if he shook her too hard.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw his face.

The man smiled and he helped her up. It was all a dream.

They walked away from the tree, hand in hand.

They went on a picnic, like they did on the night he proposed.

They went to the lake where they went canoeing, like the night she told him she was pregnant.

And lastly he took her up on their tree.

They sat on the biggest branch.

He was singing softly to her while her head was lying on his thighs.

Then he started crying. He continued to sing.

She looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't cry," she whispered softly to him.

He sobbed even harder, cutting off the main part of the song.

"You're driving me insane," he whispered back to her.

Her face turned from a smile, to a face of confusion.

"You're not even alive, so why do I still see you and hear your voice?" and she disappeared.

The only answer was that he was going insane.

That is, of course, why he is sitting in the middle of a cushioned cell, with a white straightjacket on.



Um... so... yeah. I didn't even know this was going to end like this.

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