Chapter 16

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Selena's point of view

"When we get out of here, they're gonna be grounded until they turn 40." I said angrily and sat down on a bed. "They're so evil sometimes..." 

"Selena, I think we both know why they did this." Harry said and sat down next to me. 

I didn't say anything. 

"I miss you. I don't even know what I was thinking that night. I was drunk, but we both know that's not an excuse." He said. "I really wish it could be us again."

"Harry, everything's different now. I've tried everything to get over you, but then you just make your way back into my life. You even have another daughter now and you just got out of a relationship."

"Maya doesn't mean anything to me anymore. The only reason I started dating her was because I needed a distraction. Years passed and I still couldn't stop thinking about you. I was gonna break up with her, but then she got pregnant with Jennie and I didn't want her to have to go through the same thing Layla and Edward did." He said. "Just give me another chance. I know I don't deserve it, but I don't know how longer I can go without seeing your face every day." 

"You're making everything so hard for me..." I said, trying to fight the tears. "Harry, I need to tell you something... But, you can't tell anyone. I haven't told this to anyone yet, but I feel like you should know.." 

"What?" He asked. 

"A few weeks after the twins and I left, I found out I was pregnant.. with your baby-" 

"Hold on, what? Do I have another kid I don't know about?" 

"Just let me explain, Harry." I said. 

He nodded. 

"I decided to keep the baby, but I decided not to tell anyone yet, so I had to keep all the visits to the doctor secret for the ultrasounds. When I was about 3 months pregnant, the doctor told me I was expecting a little boy and I decided to name him Sean. I was really happy to become a mother again, but a month later, I lost him... He died. If he had been born, he would have turned 12 today.. December 17th was his due date.." I stopped speaking as the tears came. 

"Oh.. Why didn't you tell anyone?" Harry asked. 

"I just felt like it was better to keep it a secret." I replied. "I wanted to tell you this when you came back for the twins, but I just couldn't. I felt really bad for technically killing your son." 

"Hey.. You didn't kill him, Selena. You couldn't have done anything about it. Something just went wrong and that's not your fault." He said, carefully laying an arm around me. "You shouldn't have had to go through that alone, you know. You could have called me. I would have helped you get through with it." 

"Believe me, I wanted to call you, but I was afraid you were gonna hate me for it." I said. 

"I could never hate you." He said. "Listen, if I don't get you back, you still need to know that you can call me if you need someone. I'll always be here for you, because I love you." 

"I love you too, Harry.. But it's not gonna work and you know that." I said. 

"Just give me one chance. If I mess it up, you don't ever have to be with me again. Let me prove to you that I love you, Selena. You're everything to me." He said, leaning his head closer to mine. Our foreheads pressed against each other as he put a hand on the back of my head. "Please." He begged. 

He pressed his lips to mine before I even got the chance to say anything. I got lost in the kiss and started kissing him back. I pulled back a little and whispered softly against his lips, "Okay." 

"Okay what?" 

"I'll give you another chance." 

He smiled and kissed me again, with more passion this time. I could tell he wanted to take it further, but we both knew we shouldn't considering we were in the twins' room. 

"Mum, dad, do you wanna come out soon?" We heard Edward ask through the door. 

"Just a minute, Eddie." I replied. 

"Okay." He said and then we heard him walk away. 

"Do you want to tell our families now?" Harry asked. 

"Let's just wait a little. I just want to get used to us being together again." I answered. "But what about Jennie?" 

"What about her?" 

"How do you think she'll react? I don't want her to dislike me for kind of taking you from Maya." I said. 

"She's gonna love you, Sel. Maya wasn't being a good mother to her and I bet she'd be just happy to get a stepmother." He said and I nodded. 

"What are we gonna tell Ed and Layla when we leave here?" I asked. 

"We'll just tell them we're friends and nothing more. I'm not sure if they will believe us, but it's worth a shot." He replied. "So, should we go?" 

"Yes." I said. "I need you to come with me, though. I need to show you something." 

"What is it?" He asked. 

"You'll see." 

We left the room and quickly headed across the hall into mine. Harry sat down on the bed while I opened the drawers and searched through all the pictures. I felt tears coming as I spotted exactly what I was looking for. 

I picked it up and sat down next to Harry. I handed it to him and he smiled as he looked at it. 

"Is this Sean?" He asked. 

"Yes, that's him. This is the picture I got the day they told me we were having a boy." I answered. "I wish I could hold him right now.. and that he would be here." 

"Selena, even if he's not alive here in this world, he knows you love him. He is our son and he will always be. Alive or not." 


hope you liked this!!!! 

READ THIS: basically there's only 1 chapter left and that's the epilogue xx the story itself is done because harry and selena is back together, selena told harry about sean, and yeah.. and don't worry about them not having told the family yet, it kinda comes back in the epilogue! 

hope you liked reading my story! i will make a new one soon!! comment ideas if you want to xx

- m i a h xx

Everything Has Changed (Harry Styles Fanfiction) Book 2 of 2Where stories live. Discover now