Chapter 7

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Layla's POV:

"Don't say a single word to dad when we get inside, alright? Just walk right upstairs and avoid uncomfortable questions." Ed says, holding his hand on the doorknob. We left Maya's place shortly after we heard her talking to that person on the phone and then we went home. 

"Got it." I say. 

Ed opens the door and we quickly kick off our shoes and take of our jackets. Then we run for the stairs before dad gets the chance to speak to us. We know he's gonna ask us why we took so long eventually, but we need to come up with an excuse for now. We can't tell him that his girlfriend might be cheating. Not yet. 

We get upstairs and head into my room. I plop down on my bed as Ed sits down on the window seat. 

"Should we tell mom?" I ask him, ready to take out my phone. 

"No, we can't tell a single person. This has to stay between us for now. If we want this plan to work, not a living thing can hear what we know about Maya so far." He says and I nod. "I heard dad say that Maya is coming here tomorrow to watch a movie with him after we go to bed, so why don't we just spy on them? Or even better, try and take Maya's phone. I found some video on instagram that shows you have to get into somebody's phone without even knowing the code." 

"Yeah, I think I saw it too. I tried it, it's unbelievable." I say. "So, the plan is to take her phone and do what?" 

"Go through her texts of course! But, we need to be careful and quick. Maya might go look for her phone and find out we have it, so we've got to be very clever with this. We'll discuss it later, okay? I'm headed to bed now. Really not looking forward to school tomorrow. I'm not a big fan of going somewhere surrounded by strangers. And even worse, british strangers. We're gonna be, like, the only people with an american accent." Ed says. 

"I know. I just hope I'm not gonna be that loner girl." I say and chuckle. 

"I guess we'll figure out tomorrow." 

Ed leaves my room and we both go to bed. I stay on my phone for about an hour before plugging in the charger and falling asleep. 

The next day, my alarm wakes me up at 6:30 a.m. I rub my eyes as I sit up in my bed. After just sitting there for a couple minutes, I get out of bed and get dressed. I'm dressed in a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie. I choose to wear white converse. It was a simple, yet cute outfit. 

After getting dressed, applying some makeup and brushing my hair, I go downstairs to the kitchen. I sit down on a chair next to Jennie who's got blueberries all over her face. Dad's standing by the oven and cooking pancakes for us. Ed probably isn't even up yet.

"Good morning, Layla. Ready for school?" Dad asks as he gives me a plate with pancakes. 

"I guess." I reply and take a bite as Ed walks into the kitchen. Turns out he is awake after all. 

After we eat our breakfast, Ed and I say bye to dad and Jennie before leaving the house. Dad offered to drive us, but we want to walk instead. 

"Do you think there's gonna be any cute boys there?" I ask Ed as we get closer to the school. 

"I'm not gonna be the judge of that. I'll be chasing after girls all day, so don't count me in for boy hunting, sis." He replies and nudges my shoulder. 

"Don't you dare leave me alone all day. I'm gonna be a nervous wreck. There's gonna be so many new people there!" I say. 

"Don't worry, I got you." He says and puts an arm around me. "You really think I would want to see my baby sister suffer?"

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