Shopping for Durga Puja

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Shopping for Durga Puja

Well this chapter is going to be really short like the last two chapters. I’m not only running out of topics but there’s nothing else I’ve to share. I won’t be posting any new chapters after posting a few more chapters on Durga Puja. Not only the running out of topic stuff but I personally feel that I’ve been unnecessarily stretching it like the Bengali soaps.

So there Durga Puja is almost here and I’m really exited as expected. Don’t think that I’m going to give you a fashion tip because I’m not, and I really suck at that stuff. But here are a few things you should keep in mind while shopping for the occasion:

1. Buy clothes in which you feel comfortable because you’ll have to wear it after the pujas as well.

2.Going traditional is fun.

3.Do the shopping as early as possible, start from august if you like but don’t leave it for the last moment.

4. Make sure to hide the clothes somewhere safe so that it doesn’t tempt you wear it much before the Puja.

Bas etai bolar chhilo.


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